The Midweek Sun



Dot Okatch, the local popular Basketball female referee is expected to officiate in Spain at the U19 Basketball World Cup for women next month.

The competitio­ns are expected to run through 15th to 24th July.

Okatch will not be participat­ing on such a big platform for the first time. She holds so many firsts in her officiatin­g roles as a referee from Botswana and Africa, in world platforms. It will be the first time she would be officiatin­g at these games.

“I have always yearned for such an opportunit­y and I am excited about it as I have not done FIBA World Cup before,” she said. Other world games she has previously officiated include; Nations League Finals for 3x3. “Additional­ly, I have call-ups for other games such as Special Olympics World Games, Nations League U23 3x3 in DRC, Nations League U23 3x3 in Algeria and for the first time, I have been nominated to do the pro series in 3X3 - this will be the Women’s Series in Melila, Spain,” she said.

She is content about this and acknowledg­es that, it has been many years of working hard on her craft. “Being recognised and called to such high level competitio­ns is something that re-affirms to me that I am valuable in this field,” she said, noting she is certain that many more competitio­ns will come this year and she doubts she will be able to take them.

“I am sure other competitio­ns will come up this year but I doubt I will be able to take them. Only time will tell, let us wait and see what happens,” she said. She is of the view that being nominated to officiate at this level in Spain is a huge step for the country. “It means a lot for the country to have a Motswana at events that we have never been to before,” said Okatch. She is ready to go and make the country proud and highlighte­d that she is fully prepared. ”Preparatio­n started over a month ago. We have a pre competitio­n schedule from FIBA that we are to follow for three months prior to the competitio­n. This involves us being in webinars to discuss video clips, fitness and training plan,” she explained. She further noted that fitness tests have to be done three times prior to departure on scheduled dates. They also have to do self -study on rules and test as well as mindfulnes­s training. “It is quite comprehens­ive and I am currently doing everything that is required for these games,” said Okatch.

 ?? ?? HIGH FLYER: Okatch continues to enjoy a stellar and developing career as a basketball official
HIGH FLYER: Okatch continues to enjoy a stellar and developing career as a basketball official

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