The Midweek Sun

Acrobatic James looks ahead


Chadibe United shot-stopper, Micheal James has intrigued many spectators with his level of goalkeepin­g during the Debswana First Division Playoff second leg game between Chadibe United and VTM at the VTM Arena a fortnight ago. James put on a show showing the relevant metrics for his position and role, he was equal to the task when he was called into action a number of times, his cat like reflexes were put to action on the day.

Like that was not enough his role in minimizing danger was very important, his sweeper keeper role did matter in the grand scheme of his role although they lost the penalty shootout, he kept his team in the game through his amazing

saves. Not only that, James has an outstandin­g distributi­on skill, being able to spot his teammates and start attacks from the back from short passing to long range shorts although this skill still needs some refining.

Speaking in an interview this week, the 31 year old said he still has a long way to go in his career and he is hopeful that he will have a bigger impact in local football. “I am still going to play football, I believe I am still young and I can offer a lot of teams something special. I am still looking to improve some aspects of my game and I am good to go,” he said.

He added that he wanted to return to the Premier League with Chadibe United but it was not meant to be, despite that he has not given up hope as he will continue to refine his skills and even do much to attract interest from other clubs in the top tier. Having started his profession­al football career at Black Forest FC back in 2016, James is a well travelled goalie, with vast experience. He has been between the sticks at BDF XI and Morupule Wanderers.

“I believe I have achieved, but not to the level I want; I can still do more because I have gained experience over the years, I can say I just want to make my life better than before through football and age still allows me to make it.”

The player has a wide ambition, that when he finally hangs his boots he will go into coaching and be a sport analyst at the same time. He said that being the last line of defense helps him have a full view of the game and even command his teammates on what to do.

 ?? ?? TALENTED GOALIE: Chadibe United shot-stopper, Micheal James was in good form when his team faced VTM FC recently
TALENTED GOALIE: Chadibe United shot-stopper, Micheal James was in good form when his team faced VTM FC recently

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