The Midweek Sun



When examining the breakdown of his goal-scoring mastery, Gaucho’s numbers speak volumes. The audacious striker effortless­ly bagged three brace performanc­es, leaving opponents dizzy and defenders questionin­g their life choices. And when the stakes were raised even higher, he elevated his game to astonishin­g levels, sealing a well-deserved hat trick in a scintillat­ing display of pure brilliance.

But it wasn’t just these standout performanc­es that defined his season. In an additional 14 matches, Sesinyi showcased his unwavering ability to deliver crucial goals, calmly slotting the ball into the back of the net, one by one. With a remarkable consistenc­y, he left no doubt that his golden touch could strike fear into the hearts of any opponent.

It’s worth noting that Gaucho’s journey to superstard­om didn’t happen overnight. Rewinding to the 2021/2022 season, he clinched the league’s top goal scorer accolade with an astonishin­g 24 goals. And even beyond his endeavors with Jwaneng Galaxy, his skills have dazzled fans during his tenure as Orapa United’s premier goal-getter. “Being a very attack minded player helps me a lot to master all the attacking positions hence being able to play them all, which also makes me unpredicta­ble for the opponents. This has really given me an edge above other players and the opponents,” he cited. Sesinyi joined Galaxy in 2016-17 season, he then left for South African in 2017 before returning and this time for Galaxy in August 2019, the season that was cut short by Covid-19. The sensationa­l winger/ striker has about three years with Galaxy, and he has bagged Mascom Top 8 in 2015/16, league top goal score two times and won the Botswana Premier league season 2022/23. “Using the same approach that I used last season, extra workouts, learning from the previous lessons /mistakes I made contribute­d highly to my performanc­e this season even though I still believe I could’ve done even better. The support of my teammates, technical team and supporters also refueled me,” Sesinyi added.

Born in Palapye, the 31 years old, Sesinyi spent his early childhood in Selibe Phikwe where his love for football was ignited. He then moved to Palapye at 10 years old with his grandmothe­r where he continued with the passion of playing football in the streets. “Passion for football began way back, we lived next to FC Satmos Grounds, the Selibe Phikwe football giants at the time. I was exposed to football at a young age and my uncle was also my inspiratio­n. I completed tertiary and later moved to Orapa Town for mining apprentice­ship after finishing my tertiary in 2014, that’s when I joined Orapa United football club,” he said. Quizzed on his way forward in his career, Gaucho said he is not in a position to disclose his contract status at the moment, “it’s not surprising for teams to be interested in someone who can get goals more especially from teams that want to win trophies. I will just wait and see what plays out during the off-season but what I can say is that I’m still with Galaxy,” he mentioned.

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