The Midweek Sun




We’re still on the “Benefits of Sudarshan Process program participan­ts overcome

ontrary to common understand­ing, Non-violence in thought, sp Kriya for students” from the wisdom by Yoga manyfearso­ftheuankdn­aocwtionn,l.ikUesuwaal­lykiwneg is not just thin Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar asshaanrae(dphysincat­lheexedrac­rikse,sf) ofveioxlae­mncse, fienaarcot­ifotna,lkbiuntgth­is in the various Art of Living knThowisle­codlguemn steoeksstr­taonsghear­rse, afearcoalf sbteanindg­aradlochna­elliengaen­s us t media. All this sharing is mebarnotad­toerbprien­rsgpectuiv­nefaomn itlhiaerbp­enla-ce apnedacset­faugl einfethaor.ught and spee appreciati­on on how we caenfitsho­eflpYoogua­rto human beings, to well. It advocates the practic

raise awareness of how Yoga is a compassion, love, understan children to keep a straight path. Let’s

way of life, how practicing it makes patience, etc. encourage them to do these programs. life lighter and more meaningful, Truthfulne­ss. Patanjali desc and also to bring to the fore the truthfulne­ss as to be in har appreciati­on that all that we do in with mind, word and action. yoga is to lead us to Research the stillness indicatcet­isonths eindliefev­meluosptmb­rei ngt har within, to bring inonferfop­reeascieg.htednessin­irnelathti­eonpshraip­cst.itioners

The philosophy (students) of Yoga touches of Sudarshan Non-stealing Kriya. They means can not many aspects of our being, i.e. refraining from physically ta Studies show a 78% decrease in teens plan accurately.

our physical, our mental and our possession of what is not your with conduct problems at home and

emotional, and is pursued from also not allowing the possessi school. Medha Yoga participma­natn1y4a-nygeleasr.old unpleasant thought, speech Meghna shares, “My cranky Patanjali, behaviour who is regarded as the action. It speaks against inord has reduced, and I feel aFtaptheea­rcoefnYowg­a, explains one of the desire for wealth or being en as I regularly practice Sudarshan themes Kriya.”” of yoga as: “yoga chitta of others’ possession­s. vritti nirodha”, that is, quieting Continence or self-contro

Students who practice SK daily are of the thought waves is yoga, or celibacy. At the different st

encouraged to take more responsibi­lities subsiding the thought activity in of our lives, we are called to the mind is yoga.wearing a smile. discipline and self-control in

In this introducti­on, the focus we deal not only in sexual relat is on Astanga yoga, in which Patanjali but even in our general out Studies show that 67% of children explains the “eight limbs of about life.

Non-covetousne­ss refer who practice SK daily after participat­ing yoga”, the first one being A significan­t the five increase in accuracy

Yamas. non-accumulati­on, whether in the Utkarsha Yoga program report a indicated with ‘closed eyes computer

They deal with one’s ethical of earthly possession­s, or decrease in hyperactiv­ity. and paper-based tests’ the negative conducted emotions during that w standards and sense of integrity, focusing on our bIenhatuvi­iotiroandP­hrowcess,ciomunptle­iresfrtohm­attimnteut­iotivtieme w we conduct ourseplove­wseirnslei­fme,ethrgeed inesvtiuta­dbelnytlse.aRdsesteoa­irlcl-healt social discipline­s to on guide the us Intuition in our Pirnogitrs­aemxtremve­awlsoaul5d­0m%anife relationsh­ips withinocth­rerass.e in childruenn­dewsirhaob­lescboerhe­avdiowr.ith

above 75% accuracy after practicing SK.

THESE FIVE YAMAS ARE [In the following weeks we will s

Grade 12 student Shriya shares,

BRIEFLY EXPLAINED BELOW: to the other limbs.]

“Sudarshan Kriya has helped find a fine balance between my academics and sports. I am an achiever in academics and sports.”

“62. Helps to overcome behavioura­l challenges 63. Reduces hyperactiv­ity 64. Improves academic grades 67. Plans with better foresight 68. Takes more responsibi­lities 69. Improves accuracy

Boag“Before experienci­ng Sudarshan Kriya, I would go to school feeling upset about the previous day’s bitter incidents with classmates. Now, I practice the breathing technifqru­omesLaonba­dtsfeeaenl­dhGaapbpoy­rone Grade 12 student Shriya shares, about myself to htaovdeoso­umtreaancy­h finrieHnud­ksu,”ntsi P “Being a district-level sports athlete, I says Yuvansh. Hospital and I told myself t

day I will have to be counted need to be calm. Sudarshan Kriya has

After more than two decades as of eye care profession­als in Bo helped in achieving that when an optometris­t, I have to Boago Modiisane

During our times, career g make tough and quick decisions discusses on how the he got into the field, was not as developed as it is playground.” how he serves the com1m3-uyneiatyr-aonldd Mweeehrads­taoydso, s“oImwearess­eaarch why the job continues shy person to fulfill beforoewtn­hreegUartd­kianrgscha­areeYros.gSao,aft

him. program. Now, Iredselair­vcehr Ispseetetl­cehdefsori­nOpto

Government had offered me my school assembly. I am a confident

TELL US A LITTLE BIT arship to do dentistry but I c


ABOUT YOURSELF stick to my first choice - Opt

My name is Boago Modiitsane, I After completing my part one Studies conclude thatctohme­eIfnrotumi­tMioanhala­pyeMaonrde­dnidexmt ytimeU…niversity of Botswana, I was primary school and secondary school ted at the University of Auck at St Patrick’s Primary School and New Zealand to pursue Opt Madiba Secondary School respec- Upon completion, I came bac tively. I am married and have three as the first Motswana to grad girls. I currently run my own private an Optometris­t. I have also practice in Mogoditsha­ne, Eye Care Masters Degree in Public Hea Optometris­ts! University of Liverpool in t On my return home in 1996, the private sector and subse started my private practice in

65. Makes decisionma­king faster 66. Removes fear of the unknown 70. Increases friendline­ss 71. Overcomes shyness

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