The Midweek Sun



Gospel musician and promoter, Gaone Selebo is making waves in South Africa, where her craft is receiving positive attention.

Her musical talent started at a school assembly where she would lead songs at the age of 10. Years later after completing her Cambridge certificat­e, she found herself taking the profession­al route of music.

“I used to lead songs at the school assembly and at Sunday school. I then started doing profession­al singing after completed my cambridge, and instantly chose Gospel music,” said Selebo.

Like most artistes, she started as a backing vocalist before she went solo. She takes pride in the fact that she would share a stage with well known artistes including; Benjamin Dube, Keke, William Sejaki all from SA. With that achievemen­t, she carried on to be a better musician and also ensured that she pushes other upcoming musicians within her genre of music. She currently has a full album, two singles and two music videos, and had an opportunit­y to work with different committees including; Botswana Musicians Union (BOMU), Annual Gospel Awards and Glitz Awards before.

She is currently coordinati­ng Traditiona­l music Awards which are scheduled for the 9th of December in Kasane. Among her achievemen­ts, she treasures the moment she was nominated for the best Gospel Video in 2017 at the Annual Gospel Awards, in which she was competing with the heavy weights like Tshepho Lesole and Gabo Thotobolo.

Just last year, her exposure in South Africa started off when she met one of the radio station presenters who is now her music manager. “My manager connected me with about 11 radio stations in South Africa and so far, I have done interviews with all those radio stations and my music is enjoying airplay there,” she shared. Her music is also playing in some radio stations in Lesotho where she also did some interviews. She has also been featured in South African magazines including, Great times magazine, Sista bosso, Township voice magazine, and Darkie magazine. Her company, Lady G Promotions which mainly assists other artistes to grow and help them build their brands now has 11 artistes under its wing. Selebo told Vibe that she has always wanted her craft to be recognized beyond borders and so she is content about this growth as a musician. It is her dream to ensure that her artistes are also known outside the country as a way of putting the country on the map and building their musical careers internatio­nally.

 ?? ?? Gaone Selebo
Gaone Selebo

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