The Midweek Sun

Cracking It, an inspiratio­nal book for success


‘Cracking It’ is a motivation­al book by Moemedi Senwelo with Saidi Mdala. It is about starting a business from scratch and all about motivating people to be the best versions of themselves.

“This is my story of years of struggling to build a business. The journey had many potholes, bumps, sharp curves and blind spots. It was never clear where I was going and exactly how I would get there but I had a strong conviction that I was going to reach the ‘Promised Land’,” explained Senwelo. The book highlights the importance of believing in a worthwhile idea and seeing it turn out to be something big. His story shares his disappoint­ments when he was turned down by friends, banks, financing institutio­ns at the time that he needed capital. Nonetheles­s, he learnt to built with the little that he had.

“I literally reinvested every extra one pula we made and that meant I never took a salary from my business till the year 2019.” He continued his journey without proper accommodat­ion, but only lived to survive and ensure that the company was growing. He has been bankrupt more than eight times in eight consecutiv­e years, and at some point had his employees drag him to the labour court because he did not have money to pay them. The book was published to summarize how life may be difficult but working hard could be the solution for a better future. At 27-years-old, Senwelo owns CRACKiT Tuition Botswana, which has 30 branches across the country, 22 of which are franchised. The company has over 150 full-time employees and over 1000 students. He has written other revision books for students before and says ‘Cracking It’ was solely written to give people hope and enlighten them on starting a business from scratch.

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