The Midweek Sun

Cakes for all occasions


Cakes by Tshego is a one stop haven of sweet treats meant to fulfill lifestyle occasions.

Founder of Cakes by Tshego, Dorcas Tshegofats­o takes pride in her art of baking and tells Vibe that making cakes is a skill.

“To me, my skill of baking is a gift because not everyone can do what I do,” she said. She did not really plan join the confection­ery world but here she is, doing the most.

“It all started in 2015 when I ordered a cake for my son. I was not happy with the end product, so I promised him that his next birthday I would have learnt how to make cakes so that I make him the cake that he wanted,” explained Tshegofats­o.

She therefore had to learn how to make cakes. She tells Vibe that she only learnt through Youtube. “I got my few tips and never looked back. I then started baking for family and friends after a year I was confident enough to start charging for my services,” she said.

She started baking from home and later on moved to Commerce Park Gaborone plot 154 unit 3, to set up profession­ally. This is where she is currently serving from. She opened Cakes by Tshego in 2019, to make customised cakes of all shapes and sizes. She added that they do cakes for all occasions for both individual­s and corporates, and mostly do; birthdays, weddings, baby showers and corporate events.

Tshegofats­o is aware of the competitio­n when it comes to cake making. That is why they came up with the slogan ‘best treats’ meaning better looking cakes and best taste. “We are more into realistic cakes than just ordinary cakes and the taste of our cakes are unique,” she said. Tshegofats­o advices peers in the industry to take the profession seriously. “Some people take our profession for granted and think it’s just about baking only but we put smiles on people’s faces during their special occasions. People should do away with believing that what we do is just bread like they put it,” said Tshegofats­o.

As cake makers, to them it is all about time, dedication, art, and passion. “People who make cakes in other countries make a lot of money from it because people understand the industry, but here people are often quick to criticize prices. It’s only a few who understand that we put in hard work into the perfection they see,” she said. She is also of the view that baking is fun and relaxes the mind and makes one to become more creative especially if passionate about it.

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