The Midweek Sun

Battered house intruder escapes police


A 47-year-old man of Thamaga was beaten to a pulp this past weekend in Gabane for intruding into another man’s home in the wee hours of Sunday.

The intruder allegedly unlocked the house and when he stepped inside, the terrified owner screamed for help. Realising that one of their own was in some kind of danger, those in the neighbourh­ood thronged in to deal with the intruder.

He was battered severely and left with an injury on the head with blood visible on his face as it dripped down to his lips. The trousers and T- shirt he wore, as well as his hair, were left soiled.

After satisfying themselves with what they had done to the 47-year-old man, the mob tied the man’s hands to his back and informed the police that there was an intruder who was caught trying to steal.

When they asked him who he was, he said he was from Thamaga and had been in Gabane for a night of fun at one popular bar in the village. He said his friend gave him house keys saying he should unlock the house and sleep.

Post Commander at Gabane police post, Assistant Superinten­dent Mbiganyi Letsholath­ebe confirmed the incident saying they found the man tied and he was taken to the hospital.

However, after getting medical attention, the man left the hospital without the police getting his statement about what had transpired.

“He left but we will locate him so that we understand what really happened. We hear he entered a house and the owner screamed. People came and began beating him, we are not sure if he was intending to steal as alleged or not,” Letsholath­ebe said. He said it is against the law to assault people suspected to be thieves and advised that people should not be battered because they have a right to open a case of assault against perpetrato­rs.

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 ?? ?? LEFT BLOODY: The people of Gabane gathered to beat up a man whom they suspected was a thief
LEFT BLOODY: The people of Gabane gathered to beat up a man whom they suspected was a thief

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