The Midweek Sun



And so the man they love to call Ganda – Biggie Butale – has remained unfazed by the recent court rulings that suggested that his expulsion from the Botswana Patriotic Front was in order. Just this Tuesday Judge Segopolo refused to differ with the judgement of Judge Kebonang, but the man seems determined to fight to the bitter end. Following his two consultati­ve meetings in Molepolole and Francistow­n, he was this weekend in Palapye where the BPF masses once again flooded the hall at which he had gathered them. We hear magatwe a gore the party officials who expelled him have through their lawyers warned him to desist from what he is doing or face jail for contempt of court.

In fact, some members of the BPF have since been suspended from the party for attending Butale’s meetings. It turns out that no amount of threats or court ruling is going to stop the Gandaganda aka Yellow Monster. He has even announced that his next consultati­ve meeting will be in Gumare. Although deemed expelled from his party, his defiant conduct has divided opinion, with some arguing that all he wants is party unity while others feel he is being used to divide the opposition, especially that he continues to warn people that UDC is a scam that the BPF should not get involved with. This stance is upsetting those who expelled him from the BPF because they believe working with the UDC is the quickest and easiest way to toppling the ruling party. Yet it looks like for now there is no stopping the defiance in the Pastor.

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