The Midweek Sun

StanChart, BOPRITU in partnershi­p


Standard Chartered Bank Botswana has collaborat­ed with Botswana Primary Teacher’s Union (BOPRITU) to empower members with financial solutions.

The two organisati­ons signed the Memorandum of Understand­ing (MoU) focused on enhancing the long-term financial stability and empowermen­t of BOPRITU’s 7000 members.

Standard Chartered Bank CEO , Mpho Masupe pointed out that they are thrilled to partner with BOPRITU, to not only directly impact the financial well-being of teachers but also of the country. “We are committed to being an innovative and purposeful financial partner to our communitie­s and supporting Botswana’s Vision 2036 Pillar of ‘Sustainabl­e Economic Developmen­t’ and ensuring that we leave no one behind.” He said the bank’s commitment goes beyond financial services and recognises the unique aspiration­s and needs of communitie­s and empowers them to achieve their dreams. Speaking during b the signing ceremony, Standard Chartered Bank Head of Consumers,

Private and Business Banking, Moses Rutahigwa said the partnershi­p will give BOPRITU members access to the Bank’s diverse retail portfolio through its end-to-end digital platform and the SC Mobile App that has over 70 services that members can enjoy from the comfort of their own homes. “Members will also have access to Personal Loans, various savings and investment options as well as Mortgage solutions.” He said the bank’s long-term strategy involves investment into technology and strengthen­ing its partnershi­ps in the market. “This partnershi­p exemplifie­s how we are acting on that strategy by catering to our customer’s unique needs and empowering them through innovative and inclusiona­ry means.” For his part, BOPRITU President, Othusitse Molebatsi said they are entering into the partnershi­p with great enthusiasm. “This collaborat­ion speaks to our unwavering commitment to bettering the lives of our teachers, by providing them with the necessary financial tools and resources, we are collective­ly empowering our educators to create brighter futures,” he concluded

 ?? ?? Standard Chartered and BOPRITU senior officials after signing the historic agreement
Standard Chartered and BOPRITU senior officials after signing the historic agreement

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