The Midweek Sun

Devine Morula on expansion drive


Devine Morula founder, Matilda Mpai plans to produce a variety of products and expand the business to reach export market.

The company processes food and beverages including various ranges of juices and cosmetics out of the indigenous morula fruits. The company recently introduced, Morula atchaar and morula concentrat­e drink. Mpai told the Business Trends that they are working towards exporting some of the products, including Morula juice and jam. “We are still working towards exporting our products. Currently the juice and the jam are ready to go beyond borders. Our products are made from pure Morula Pulp, and are available all year.”

Devine Morula operates from Thusano Lefatsheng Farm in Mmankgodi, as a strategic partner to work with communitie­s in the sustainabl­e utilizatio­n of Botswana’s Natural products. The company was assisted by the Local Enterprise­s Authority (LEA) and have support from Botswana Investment Trade Center (BITC) through its Phusha BW Project Mpai said with the help of communitie­s, they collect and process morula locally while some of the morula pulp is obtained from DLG Naturals, which is a local morula oil manufactur­er. When she started the business she was targeting the hospitalit­y industry but later expanded the business and introduced food in the products line. “I am so passionate about this business and I have many ideas for growth. When I started I was only looking at the hospitalit­y sector but currently I am selling products in the local retailers including, Shoprite, Sefalana and Spar. I believe Morula should be the taste of Botswana.”

Mpai told the Business Trends that they would like to outsource and train Communitie­s, through their Trusts, in Morula and Mmilo processing, so that they benefit and earn a living from what grows in their area. “We would like these groups to also utilize Marotse and Magapu, to make school Jams, for Councils. This will support subsistenc­e farmers who always have abundance, and end up feeding their livestock with them.” She encourages hotels and restaurant­s to add morula flavor in their yoghurt, milkshakes, desserts like cheese cakes, and in their cocktails. “This is to make sure that customers experience the taste of Morula all year. We believe Morula is our ‘Indigenous Jewel’, which should be taken seriously like our diamonds and wildlife, as it will help diversify our economy.” She said she is aiming to have pure pulp juice and jam in hotels and planes in southern Africa.

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