The Midweek Sun

Sensationa­l Melodi keeps rising


In an inspiring tale of determinat­ion and grit, one of the country’s most promising young swimmers, Melodi Saleshando has emerged as the one to watch out for, in the realm of local aquatic sports. Over the past two years, this 13-year-old dynamo has not only shattered four national records but has also etched her name in the hearts of her fellow peers and swimming enthusiast­s as a symbol of talent and ambition.

What sets Melodi apart is her versatilit­y, breaking records across a spectrum of swimming strokes, a testament to her well-rounded skills. From a modest 11th ranking during the 2021-2022 season, she has soared to an impressive 3rd position in the 2022-2023 season, firmly planting herself among the top-tier female swimmers in the 16-year-old and over age categories.

In the previous swimming season of 2021/22, Melodi’s achievemen­ts were nothing short of extraordin­ary. She not only clinched the victrix trophy for 12-year-olds but also secured the coveted title of overall best female swimmer at the 16th BSSA National Championsh­ips.

Making her debut appearance on the national team, she left an indelible mark by securing a silver medal in the 100m backstroke at the CANA ZONE IV CHAMPIONSH­IPS 2022 in Lusaka, Zambia. Notably, her journey to success also included an exceptiona­l performanc­e at the South Africa Level 3 Championsh­ips in 2022, where she secured an impressive haul of 5 medals, 2 gold, and 3 silver, leaving spectators in awe.

With the dawn of the 2022/23 swimming season, Melodi’s winning spirit continued to shine brightly. Successful­ly defending her victrix title for the 13-year-olds at the 17th BSSA National Championsh­ips, she proved that her determinat­ion knows no bounds. Her momentum carried into the South Africa Level 3 Championsh­ips 2023 in Delville Pool, Johannesbu­rg, where she once again demonstrat­ed her prowess, winning 6 medals, including an impressive trio of 3 gold and 3 silver medals.

The pinnacle of her season, however, was her outstandin­g performanc­e at the CANA ZONE IV Championsh­ips 2023 in Luanda, Angola. Melodi’s star power shone brightly as she secured 5 medals – 2 gold, 2 silver, and a bronze – underscor

ing her position as an emerging force to be reckoned with on the internatio­nal stage.

And now, as Melodi readies herself to take on the world, she is set to represent her beloved nation of Botswana at the World Aquatics Junior Swimming Championsh­ips in Netanya, Israel. From September 4th to 9th, 2023, all eyes will be on this young champion as she embarks on yet another chapter of her awe-inspiring journey.

 ?? ?? RISING STAR :Melodi Saleshando is an emerging force in local and internatio­nal swimming stages
RISING STAR :Melodi Saleshando is an emerging force in local and internatio­nal swimming stages

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