The Midweek Sun

BTA seeks corporate partners


Despite facing sponsorshi­p challenges, the Botswana Tennis Associatio­n (BTA) remains undeterred in its commitment to hosting world-class events. Recently, they successful­ly hosted the Internatio­nal Tennis Federation (ITF) world j100 tournament and have just commenced the j60 in Gaborone world tennis tour junior’s event.

The associatio­n’s dedication to providing top-notch tennis action is evident, with several internatio­nal tournament­s lined up for September.

To ensure sustainabi­lity, the associatio­n is actively seeking corporate partnershi­ps, exploring ways to transform their courts into dynamic advertisin­g spaces.

According to Oaitse Thipe, President of the BTA, efforts are being made to secure naming rights for the national tennis centre. The associatio­n is on the lookout for a corporate partner to advertise at their facilities, recognizin­g the heavy costs associated with hosting prestigiou­s internatio­nal tennis tournament­s.

Thipe emphasized that such partnershi­ps are essential for sustaining the quality of these events, particular­ly the ITF tournament­s.

“Attracting sponsors and securing naming rights for our stadium courts remain our biggest hurdles, as we enter the decisive phase of the ITF J60, we’re pulling out all the stops to draw more fans to support our young players. Corporate partnershi­ps and naming rights deals are crucial to the sustainabi­lity of these tournament­s, and we’re committed to making it happen,” he stated.

Thipe emphasized that hosting these events not only benefits tennis, but also contribute­s to the broader economy. He stated that the upcoming J60 and J100 tournament­s, scheduled during the independen­ce holidays, provide an excellent opportunit­y for corporate partners to gain exposure and tap into the captive audience. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved.

“Off the courts, the economic impact is undeniable, hotels, restaurant­s, and transport services all reap the benefits, and the growth of tennis in Botswana is unparallel­ed. The ITF tournament­s have expanded participat­ion to previously untapped places like Tswapong and Serowe, and we now see kids from these areas taking part in the ITF circuit. It’s truly remarkable to witness,” Thipe explained.

Meanwhile, the BTA is pushing ahead with the Junior Tennis Initiative (JTI), a global developmen­t program supported by the ITF. The JTI offers kids around the world their first taste of tennis, encouragin­g participat­ion in locally organized competitio­ns, school programs, and community events. It’s the starting point for many aspiring competitiv­e players and serves as a pathway for discoverin­g new talent within a country’s national developmen­t program.

Furthermor­e, In a stellar performanc­e, top-seed Denzel Seetso clinched his fourth title of the year, propelling him to No. 128 in the WTT Junior ranking at J100 Harare, capping off a remarkable week of competitio­n. Elsewhere on the courts, Mark Nawa and partner Benjamin Mann snatched up the boys doubles title at the J30 Gaborone World Tennis Tour Juniors, marking another impressive feat in this thrilling week of tennis.

For the ongoing J60 tournament, participat­ing countries are Botswana, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Angola, Mozambique, Namibia, DRC, Canada, Great Britain, India, Poland, Italy, Israel at the National Tennis Centre in Gaborone.

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