The Midweek Sun



Non-violence in thought, speech and action. Usually we think of violence in action, but this ethical

This column seeks to share a standard challenges us to be broader perspectiv­e on the benefits peaceful in thought and speech as of Yoga to human beings, to well. It advocates the practices of raise awareness of how Yoga is a compassion, love, understand­ing, way of life, how practicing it makes patience, etc. life lighter and more meaningful, Truthfulne­ss. Patanjali describes and also to bring to the fore the truthfulne­ss as to be in harmony appreciati­on that all that we do in with mind, word and action. Our yoga is to lead us to the stillness actions in life must bring harmony within, to bring inner peace. in relationsh­ips.

The philosophy of Yoga touches Non-stealing means not just many aspects of our being, i.e. refraining from physically taking our physical, our mental and our possession of what is not yours, but emotiThona­el, 4antdhisLp­imursbueod­ffrYomoga ailsoPnort­aanlloawyi­anmg thae,paolsseoss­ion

of unpleasant thought, speech and manykangol­ews. n as breath control. Breath-in is the

Patanjali, who is regarded as the action. It speaks against inordinate

first act of life and breath-out is the last act

Father of Yoga, explains one of the desire for wealth or being envious themeosfol­fifyeo.gaMaso: s“tyoogfa uchsitltia­mitoftohth­eerism’ ppososerst­saionsc.e of

vritti Continence or self-control, or

bnrireoadt­hha”,ttohajtuis­t, qkueietpin­igng us alive.

of the thought waves is yoga, or celibacy. At the different stages subsidingB­tuhte tthhoeurge­h’tsamctivoi­rtyeinto iotf tohuar nlivetsh, awte. aWre ecalcleadn­to selfbdiysc­ilpelainre­nainndgset­lfo-cowntororl­kin the meinndriis­cyhogao.ur lives more how

In we deal not only in sexual relations,

tmhisoirne­trwodiuthc­tibonr,etahtehf.ocus is on Astanga yoga, in which Pa- but even in our general outlook

exThplaiin­ss ftoheu“retighhtli­limmbbs cofonsaibs­otsutolife.many breathyoga”,itnhge

tanjali tfiersctho­neiqbueien­sgdtheesif­igvne ed toNgoani-ncomveatos­tuesrnyeso­svrerfers to

non-accumulati­on, whether it be Yamats.he respirator­y process while recognizin­g the

They deal with one’s ethical of earthly possession­s, or even standcarod­ns nanedctsie­onnseboef tiwnteeger­nityt,he bthreenaet­gha,titvhe emmoitniod­ns, athnadt we encounter focusitnhg­eonemourob­teiohanvsi­o.r and how from time to time which

inevitably leads to ill-health, or we condThucti­osulrismel­vbesciannl­ifae,rgthueably be said to be more

social discipline­s to guide us in our in its extreme would manifest in relatioinm­shpiposrwt­aitnhto,thbeersc.ause it foucnudess­eirsabolen­bebhraveia­otr.h, or even better, a very subtle life force inside us.

THESE FIVE YAMAS ARE [In the following weeks we will speak

Pranayama are different breathing exercises BRIEFLY EXPLAINED BELOW: to the other limbs.]

or techniques that we learn so as to benefit from breath.

We all know that breath in brings oxygen into the body, but the amount of oxygen that goes in the body depends on how efficientl­y we use our lung capacity. Learning the different pranayama significan­tly increases our lung capacity, and bringsfrom­urLoabtatt­esne tainodnGta­obotrhonee coming

to do outreach in Hukuntsi Primary

breath, and also making the breath long/ deep

Hospital and I told myself that one

and steady. Then we can enjoy the benefit of

day I will have to be counted as one After mboereintg­hafnultlwy­oendecragd­izesedasby tohf eybe craeraetph­roifnes,siaonadlsb­ineB-otswana. an optominegt­rtios t,aBlloyarge­olMaxoeddi­isbaynever­yDburreina­gthouoruti­tm. Oes,xcyagreenr

guidance discusses how he got into the field, was not as developed as it is today,

in the body contribute­s to good health as well. how he serves the community and we had to do some research on our why the joSbricoSn­rtiinRuaev­si tSohfaunlf­kilal r, tohwenfroe­guanrddine­grcaorfeeA­rsr. Stoo, affter some him.

Living Foundation says “areqseuair­vcehrIfrse­tetlbedref­aorthOipst­ometry.

Government had offered me scholarshi­p TELL UStAheLIbT­TirLtEhBrI­iTght of every person”. That is why the to do dentistry but I chose to ABOUT YpOrUoRgSr­EaLmF s that are taughsttii­cnk tAo rmtyofifrs­Lt icvhionicg­e -aOreptomet­ry.

My nadmeesiig­s nBeodagtoo­Mbordiniit­gsatnoe,thI e foArfteert­hcoemimple­ptiongrtma­ynpcaertoo­fne BSc at come from Mahalapye and did my University of Botswana, I was admitted

breath being more than just keeping us alive.

primary school and secondary school at the University of Auckland in at St PaWtrichk’esnPrtimhe­arbyrSecah­toholiasnd­longNeawnd­Zesatlaena­ddtyo,piutrhsuae­sOaptometr­y.

pSoecsoint­idvaeryeSf­fcehcotolo­rfesepneec-rgizUinpog­ntchoempbl­oetdioyn,, Iacsamweeb­llack home Madiba tively. I am married and have three as the first Motswana to graduate as

cuarsrerne­tllyarxuin­nmgyaonwdn cprailvmat­eingatnhOe­pmtoimnedt­r.isItn. cI rheavaesea­ldso

girls. I done a practiceli­unnMgocgoa­dpitaschia­tnye,eEnyehaCna­rcees tMhaestner­astDuergar­elecinlePa­unbsliicnH­gealth with Optomeptrr­isotsc!ess hence improvingU­onuivrerps­ihtyysoifc­Lailv,emrpeonolt­ainl the UK.

On my return home in 1996, I joined CAaRnEdERs­pINirOiPtu­TOalMhETeR­aYl:th. Outhreepmr­ivoatteios­encstoar raendaslus­bosequenta­lyndhsetar­ltuh YOUR

DID YOUdHirAeV­cEtAlyNaEf­fPIePcHtAe­NdYby the bstraertae­tdhm. yWprhiveat­ne parnacgtir­cye,in 2000. MOMENtThOe­RbWrAeSatI­ThAiLsWsAh­YSort and shallow, and when PART OF THE MASTER PLAN?

dehsiarept­poydtehale­wbitrhecao­tnhdiitsio­lnosng aTnWdEEdNe­eApN.OAPTcOaMlm­ETaRnISdT,

My that affercetla­thxeedhuma­indeydeose­tasrtnedot stCrIeAsNs­AoNrDaOnPg­HeTrHeAaLM­siOlyL.OGIST?

wasPdoingd­meryiTnigr­elonSetcha­ebaquestAi­onnoprheth­malmaionlo­sg,is“thisoawphy­sician/ when I in Tshane. While there, I used to see surgeon who specialise­s in the med,id-

dpeorsyoon­nuelkcnomo­wingyaollu­th’reewoayk” shcaol uanldd smuragkice­alycoarue wofathnet

eye care eyes anhdigher

to learn more about Yoga and the science of breath? We should not wait until something goes wrong to act. It may be too late.

[More next week]


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