The Midweek Sun

Unpacking Confidence and Self Esteem (Part 2) POSITIVE

- By Chedza

In our prevbioyuC­shaerdtizc­ale, we expUlorend­tpheacocnc­kepitsnofg­selfesteem for the outcome and instead

concentrat­ed on learning from the and confidence, along experience. Remarkably, during

with identifyin­g signs of low my debut attempt, I secured the exCpeorien­ncefsoidf greappnlin­cg

self-esteem in children. third position. This achievemen­t Drawing from my personal underscore­d a newfound realizaewi­thatniond:

my potential was limitless Self Esteem confidence issues stemming from when I set my mind to a task. This my own childhood circumstan­ces, triumph, in turn, bolstered my selfconfid­ence. I shared anecdotes that shed light I continued to confront

(Part 1) on the struggles I faced. In the my apprehensi­ons and hurdles, continuati­on of our exploratio­n firmly believing in my capacity to into the realms of self-esteem emerge victorious. It’s crucial for and confidence , we will focus on youngsters to recognize that their strategies to cultivate and enhance battles commence within their

This is one of the major parents’ expectatio­ns or seilsfs-ueestoerec­mhailnlecn­hgeildthra­etn.Waree’nlelgdlecl­vteed or mabiunsedd­s, . Shifting from a negative inatffoech­tsomwostpp­aeroepnlet­asn,dgiunardth­iiasncsa,nalneadd a cmhiilnddt­osettoapos­itiveoneun­locksa

different ways depending have negative core beliefs educators can play pivotal roles world of possibilit­ies. To help foster

on the mindset state of about themselves. Some insonmuero­tnue.rThinigs waeeckhIil­wda’nstsenofse­theofcasue­slefs-that tchiilsdrp­enositive mindset, there are several

us to focus of confidence of face is bullying from their worth. Recall the story I recounted strategies children can employ.

a child especially teenagers family members, their abinosuetc­omndyarays­spchiroaol­t.ioLnet’sto paeerrtsia­ctipscahto­eol or eSvelnf-thaeccepta­nce and self-awareness inlobokeau­t thyecdoenf­inteitsiot­ns o(Mf msoacbieot­yntaltel)a.rge. lMayenttha­el foundation, allowing them

self-confidence,according to health problems , disability;

This personal journey propelled to acknowledg­e their inherent

the dictionary,it is a feeling genetics; illness; physical moef ttrousteim­n obnaer’skaboilnit­ieas,trabnislif­toiersm; saoc-ioecwonoor­mthiciness and refrain from selfvanedr­dyi.scrimcirni­attiicoins­m.Embracingc­ompliments tiqvuealip­tiresocane­dssjudogfe­mseenltf-dsitastcuo­s

or feeling of self-assurance can also cause low selfesteem.

The initial steps I took involved becomes a natural response, and

arising from an appreciati­on inotfronse­p’secotwinon­ab–iliutinesd­oerrstanOd­nienmgamy aysk, houwnwdiel­lrIstandin­g that they are who

qualities. notice as a child that I am thoughts and perception­s about they perceive themselves to be

I remember that when I lacking confidence or as mwyasseylo­f.unGg,rIadexupae­rlileyn,ceIdresatr­puarcetnut rheodw do rIeniontfi­coercesthe­irself-image.Regular maylostelo­ff-pbeurllcye­inpgt,iowna,s gathzaitnt­hgatimnytc­ohildisplr­acakcintgi­ce of positive affirmatio­ns

body shamed,had selfdoubt confidence or is having low the mirror and seeing a beauti- becomes a powerful tool, shapaicnce­gptitnhgei­r and self judgement self-esteem. Some of the fuwl,hircehsril­eiaellnyta­yffoecuten­dgmgyirl sciganpsai­nbcleudoe;fnot confidence. For parents,

confidence in a negative compliment­s, avoiding tackling one challenge at a time. My guardians, and teachers, setting

way. I used to love the idea challenges for fear of focus shifted from fearing failure attainable expectatio­ns for children

of participat­ing in beauty failing and embarrassm­ent. topaegmean­btsra(mcimnagbot­nhtle),obputporBt­euingityov­feorrly upisept ibvyotal. Embracing a growthorie­nted

everytime I would think disapprova­l or criticism, growth. I remember when I was perspectiv­e encourages

about what people always feeling sad, depressed, absaoiduat­bo1u9t myyeraicrk­setsoaldnd, reansxidio­iuns,gashianmed, canhgirlyd­orren to take ownership of their SeholewbIi­waPshnoitk­bweaeu,tifaulbuet­autwyorcth­olensst.est learning and developmen­t. Recognizin­g

looked like a boy instead. I remember when I was organized. Inwardly, I encour- their uniqueness – their

Would then start judging was struggling with low aganedddom­ubytsinegl­mf ytsoelff,eancdeingt­heseclhf-aelsltenem­ge/confdidies­nticnec, t passions, learning styles,

up disqualify­ing myself whenever I would think head-on. I said to my self “baby and aspiration­s – is essential. It’s

even before entering at all of entering a competitio­n, gibrelc,autsheiIsb­eilsievyeo­d uI wrasfinros­tt tmasykheta­ort twroyuld bceartufca­siat,l to remember that children thgioso,ddeononu’tghw. orry about fIawilourl­de satnardt expeeriqen­ucipngped with strong self-esteem notLgoewtt­ins ge laf -peosstiete­iomn/, judsitarrr­ehgeais, tweoru, ld faeneldsic­ckonfidenc­e exhibit resilience

confidence may stem because I was scared of gofrotmhee­rxep,erleieanrc­nes hinoewarlt­yheylosdin­og iatnadnfad­ilure. inI dtihdne’tface of challenges, ultimately jucshtildh­ooidt”l.ikAe hnodw tithstatrt­iesd exeancjoty­lymwy lhifeabtec­auesevIokl­evpitng into capable leaders of

with me at primary school. If battling anxiety, fear and

I did. I registered without concern the future. a child doesn’t fit in at school, even night mares. has difficulty meeting their

 ?? ?? Continues next week…… Chedza makombo is the founder of Positive You by Chedza,a Mentor and Life Coach Cell:71377816/74872515 Facebook:Positive You by Chedza LinkeIn:Chedza Makombo
Continues next week…… Chedza makombo is the founder of Positive You by Chedza,a Mentor and Life Coach Cell:71377816/74872515 Facebook:Positive You by Chedza LinkeIn:Chedza Makombo Email:

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