The Midweek Sun



Belle Visages is one beauty house envisioned to crown women with elegant hairstyles and clean makeup.

Owner of this beauty studio, Unaswi Vusa, is of the view that the local beauty industry is getting saturated day by day, and it takes art and dedication to stand out. She is currently a student of Business Management at Botswana Accountanc­y College

and also a part time makeup artist who believes in perfection and profession­alism.

Belle Visages was establishe­d in June 2020 in Mahalapye and later moved to Gaborone in June 2021, where it’s currently operating. They offer all kinds of makeup including; corporate, bridal, soft glam.

Vusa told Vibe that they also do wig installati­ons, wig rentals and recently introduced wig purchasing.

“Beauty is an art and a woman’s face beat is complete when their hair also looks the part. This is why I had to focus on both makeup and hair,” shared Vusa.

Like most of the gurus in the beauty industry, she has always been a makeup lover from a young age.

“I used to wear mascara and eyeliner to school and even stole my mother’s makeup at some point. My late father was also a teacher of art and I always scrutinize­d his work so it’s probably in my genes as well,” she shared.

She is a self-taught makeup artist who specifical­ly shaped her skills through TikTok and YouTube.

Though currently doing well, Vusa does not have plans to become a full time makeup artist.

“I have other bigger dreams I want to achieve but since makeup is my passion, I won’t completely shut it down.

I’m planning to relocate and own a huge beauty studio where I would train and hire other makeup artists to work in,” she said, adding that she is also planning to expand Belle Visages and introduce more services including massages, pedicures and manicures.

She believes that beauty is a lifestyle and once in a while people need to visit a beauty studio or a beauty spa to get pampered. Her brand ambassador is social media influencer, Vusi K Mooki.

“I do my level best to satisfy my clients and I invest a lot on quality products as a way of achieving best results for my work,” Vusa added.

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FLAWLESS: Belle Visages ensures women are beautiful for all occassions

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