The Midweek Sun

AfriK ultimate hero search coming

PP is AfriK Ultimate Hero Search SADC coordinato­r and promoter


Gilbert Seagile aka PP wa Pimp of Gilbert Promotions has been appointed as the SADC Countries Coordinato­r and Promoter of the AfriK Ultimate Hero Search show.

Afrik ultimate Hero search is an African Dishes, Cultural heritage andcreativ­e-lifestyle Reality TV show. It is a culture - based program which targets talented youth from different parts of the 23 African countries. The program aims at featuring their talents as well as bring out the best in them. Seagile told Vibe that overseeing an initiative of this magnitude means a lot to him, and he is happy to be part of it. He explained that the auditions to this program are made online for free, with a one minute video. He further calls on local interested candidates to try their luck. The program will take place between October 1st and November 25th in Lagos, Nigeria.

On this show, 46 contestant­s must spend 45 days locked in or visiting market places to stage a cooking or creativity competitio­n known as a massive multiroom complex.

Seagile reiterated that the audition is strictly online, where they also be voted for. Each contestant has to complete 1000 votes before attending screening selection show in which each of 23 African countries will select favorite contestant­s that will attend the reality tv show in Nigeria. The last three winners of the reality show would walk away with $US15,000, a car and other prizes. Each day, one contestant would be voted out. They would be judged according to their cooking skills, fashion and creative designer talents.

Seagile further explained that the 30-minute Live Broadcast reality TV would be covered by a number of media giants in Africa including; TNT TV, HIP TV, Trace Africa, Eltsat, and YTV BOTSWANA. The show aims at encouragin­g Cultural tolerance, cohesion and moral regenerati­on through entertainm­ent.

 ?? ?? Gilbert Seagile
Gilbert Seagile

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