The Midweek Sun

Soldiers in criminal acts, cry they have problems with money


Members of the Botswana Defence Force (BDF) have confessed that what mostly drives them over the edge is money issues.

The confession was made recently during an interactiv­e mass lecture on mental issues held at Sir Seretse Khama Barracks in Gaborone (SSKB).

The BDF spoke to soldiers after realising that cases of soldiers involved in criminal cases were increasing at an alarming rate. Sometimes soldiers go to the extremes of even killing loved ones.

When given an opportunit­y to speak, one of the soldiers said that the BDF needs to look hard into money issues because it is what kills most soldiers.

“I understand that love affairs and other challenges are contributi­ng factors but the most dangerous is money, we are seriously getting duped,” he said, adding that in some instances, criminals target them because there is perception that soldiers have lots of money.

“We have cases in which some have bought plots in Gaborone only for them to lose them. There was a case in which one man bought a plot and after a few months, he was told that the sale was illegal as the seller had not informed his children of his intentions. Imagine thinking you are making an investment and such happens,” he said.

Some soldiers shared with The Midweek Sun on the side-lines that it is a painful exercise to recover invested monies because court takes into considerat­ion that the seller is unemployed and they are asked to repay the monies according to what they can afford.

“Yes there are those instances where some are just reckless with money but some of them are genuinely duped, women throw themselves at them and demand money in return after a night of fun. Some are robbed by people masqueradi­ng as Sheriffs and because the BDF upholds values of discipline, some soldiers panic and are quick to pay without even investigat­ing first.

They do this so that such issues do not reach the ears of their bosses. They drown financiall­y and end up becoming very grumpy leading to them resorting to heinous acts.”

When giving financial advice, Nelson Letshwene of Dikwata SACCOS said they should not be ashamed to be labelled

‘dingame’ (misers). He explained that ‘ngame’ is a person who does not want to spend money recklessly.

“Nobody can label you

‘ngame’ unless they want you to buy them something, so be very careful,” he said, further advising that people should be ‘dingame’ when it comes to their monies.

“Spoil yourself but also reserve some for the future,” he said.

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