The Midweek Sun

Botswana Football Associatio­n should know their place in this current saga


Botswana Football Associatio­n should withdraw their letter because it violates Corporate Governance and the memorandum of Agreement for the Autonomy of Botswana Football League Pty Ltd as a matter of urgency.

I have advised Botswana Football Associatio­n never to risk their reputation and good standing on matters that are for a private company that can be diligently addressed by the Companies Act and Regulation­s, today we are faced with a crisis that threatens the fiduciary duties and responsibi­lities of Botswana Football Associatio­n. Why is it important for Botswana Football Associatio­n to understand the ramificati­ons and consequenc­es of this letter and how it may trigger unpreceden­ted risks to Botswana Football and its semblance.

1. Corporate Governance should never be exchanged for a protection policy that is becoming clear with the issue of the former Chairperso­n Mr Nicholas Zakhem.

2. Corporate Governance dictates that a person shall be referred to be a Chairperso­n because he or she leads a proper constitute­d Committee or a group of people, in this case Mr Nicholas Zakhem is suspended by Botswana Football League Pty Ltd, he doesn’t have a Committee or people to lead, he doesn’t qualify to be addressed as the Chairperso­n.

3. Botswana Football Associatio­n should draw a line between their responsibi­lities as the Regulator and Custodian of football and being a participan­t, they don’t own Clubs or in the business of managing Clubs.

4. Clubs as the financers of their Enterprise­s they have absolute Authority to decide what is good for them and the Leadership they want without the involvemen­t of Botswana Football Associatio­n.

5. The Memorandum of Agreement that Botswana Football Associatio­n has signed with Botswana

Football League Pty Ltd is a legal document that gives direction on the powers and responsibi­lities bestowed on each party and this can’t be changed overnight with a protection policy because it has serious implicatio­ns and ramificati­ons to the governance of football business and separation of powers.

6. Clubs have legal powers to stop or suspend funding for any activity in their Clubs if there is a clear violation of Corporate Governance, a case that we all know were the former Chairperso­n and his Board failed to present the financial Report at the Annual General Meeting.

7. Botswana Football League Pty Ltd has Structures that are enshrined in their Constituti­on that deal with dispute resolution­s, namely Disciplina­ry Committee and Technical Transforma­tion and Commercial­isation Committee.

8. Mr Nicholas Zakhem case can’t be heard at Botswana football Associatio­n Arbitratio­n before going through other legal process enshrined in Botswana Football League Pty Ltd Constituti­on as this will render the whole process as flawed.

9. Imposing people on structures that have legally removed them is not only defeating natural justice, is unproducti­ve and has dire consequenc­es for them and the future of the company.

10. A decision was taken by the Shareholde­rs to remove Mr Nicholas Zakhem as the Chairperso­n and he is suspended by the Board of Directors of Botswana Football League Pty Ltd, this is the brutal truth that shall never change, their decision is final regardless of how many reasons are advanced by your Office.

As I have clearly summarized why your letter should be withdrawn as a matter of urgency, it is not only your Organizati­on’s reputation at stake, the future of Corporate Governance in Botswana Football and the consequenc­es that may follow if we allow a protection policy to decide the fate of our future, I believe we shall restore semblance immediatel­y to the beautiful Game.

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