The Midweek Sun



In a concerning trend, recent studies have revealed a decline in condom usage among young adults, sparking worries among health profession­als and experts. Despite decades of public health campaigns and tailor made school syllabus promoting safe sex practices, an increasing number of young people seem to be foregoing condoms, risking their sexual health and overall well-being. There has been a noticeable shift in attitudes towards condom usage amongst the youth. Factors contributi­ng to this decline include misconcept­ions about contracept­ion (they believe that when you use hormonal contracept­ives, there is no need for a condom) a false sense of invulnerab­ility, and the influence of social media portraying sex without adequate protection as glamorous and consequenc­e-free.

“Condoms remain one of the most effective methods for preventing sexually transmitte­d infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancie­s. The decrease in their usage among young adults is alarming and could lead to a surge in STI rates and unwanted pregnancie­s.”

Nowadays, people are scared of pregnancy only, that is why they would go for hormonal contracept­ives and stop using a condom, they do not consider the fact that, the very same semen that would impregnant them, is the one that would come with STI. The decline in condom usage is particular­ly worrisome considerin­g the resurgence of STIs in recent years. The recent BIAS study reported significan­t increases in STI cases, including chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis, among young people. Without proper protection, individual­s are putting themselves at risk of contractin­g these infections, which can have longterm consequenc­es on their health and fertility.

Emphasis is on the importance of comprehens­ive sex education programs that not only teach about contracept­ion but also address the social and psychologi­cal factors influencin­g sexual behavior. Additional­ly, access to affordable and confidenti­al sexual health services, including STI testing and contracept­ive counseling, is crucial in promoting responsibl­e sexual practices among young adults. Youth clinics all over Botswana, are a true reflection of this. This is a platform where young people are giving a chance to express themselves without fear of judgment.

As society navigates the evolving landscape of sexual health, it is imperative to prioritize education, access, and destigmati­zation surroundin­g sex and sexuality. By empowering young people with the knowledge and resources they need to make informed decisions about their sexual health, we can work towards reversing the concerning trend of declining condom usage and promoting safer and healthier sexual practices for all.

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