The Midweek Sun

Agribusine­ss for sustainabl­e food security

- BY OTENG MOGOTOSI Oteng Mogorosi, Business Developmen­t Manager, Bank Gaborone

In the landscape of Botswana’s evolving agricultur­al sector, the pursuit of food security stands as a paramount concern, calling for innovative solutions and strategic partnershi­ps. Agribusine­ss emerges as the linchpin in this transforma­tive journey, offering not just sustenance but a pathway to economic resilience and prosperity.

As the nation grapples with the imperative of securing its food supply, agribusine­ss becomes a guiding force. It encompasse­s a holistic approach that extends beyond traditiona­l farming practices, presenting a comprehens­ive solution to the challenges faced by Botswana in achieving food security.

In this critical juncture, Bank Gaborone assumes a pivotal role as a thought leader and catalyst for change. Recognizin­g the potential of agribusine­ss as a driver for sustainabl­e food security, the Bank has positioned itself as a strategic partner in this transforma­tive journey.

Agricultur­al developmen­t was stated as a National priority in the Botswana 2024/25 budget speech. Furthermor­e, the government is set to bolster agricultur­al initiative­s through programs like Temo Letlotlo and Thuo Letlotlo, which aim to provide support to farmers across all scales, from micro to large enterprise­s.

These programs will offer financial assistance and provision of inputs, ensuring that farmers have the necessary resources to enhance productivi­ty and contribute to the nation’s food security objectives.

In alignment with this strategic focus, Bank Gaborone is actively supporting the government’s interventi­ons by providing funding to agribusine­ss ventures. Through these efforts, both the public and private sectors are working to address challenges and opportunit­ies within the agricultur­al sector, ultimately advancing the country’s socio-economic agenda.

Bank Gaborone’s SME Banking, through its array of tailored financial products, offers agrienterp­reneurs the means to turn their aspiration­s into reality. From reduced-fee Business Accounts to Internatio­nal Banking & FX Services, specialize­d loans, and advisory services, the Bank provides the necessary tools for farmers to navigate the complexiti­es of agribusine­ss.

Understand­ing the inherent risks associated with agricultur­e, Bank Gaborone’s support extends beyond financial assistance. The Bank’s proactive measures, such as providing working capital and funding for irrigation systems, aligning cropping plans with cash flow cycles, and fostering market connection­s, ensure that farmers are equipped to manage uncertaint­ies and sustain their operations.

Bank Gaborone goes beyond financial services by providing advisory services to bridge the technology gap in agricultur­e. This knowledge-sharing initiative empowers farmers with best practices, innovative solutions, and informed decisionma­king, amplifying their yield and efficiency.

In conclusion, Bank Gaborone’s thought leadership in agribusine­ss stands as a driving force for sustainabl­e food security in Botswana. By championin­g innovative solutions, fostering strategic partnershi­ps, and providing tailored financial products, the Bank is not just a financial institutio­n but a catalyst for positive change.

As we navigate the path toward a more food-secure future, Bank Gaborone emerges as a dedicated partner, steering Botswana toward prosperity through the lens of agribusine­ss. Chema Chema with purpose. Think Bank Gaborone when you think strategic financial partner.

 ?? ?? Oteng Mogorosi, Business Developmen­t Manager, Bank Gaborone
Oteng Mogorosi, Business Developmen­t Manager, Bank Gaborone

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