The Midweek Sun

Batswana men feel insulted by ‘scammer comedian’ Jujuvine


There is never a dull moment at the

facebook streets. This week the tide of banter and ridicule seemed to have turned on comedian Jujuvine after an alleged post where he had asked people to contribute money to his mobile banking accounts in order to assist families of the bus crash victims who died in South Africa on the eve of the Easter weekend. Magatwe jaanong a re he either edited or deleted his original post as it can no longer be found on his facebook account despite some having already done a screenshot of it. Gatwe the comedian’s request did not go down well on others who accused him of wanting to use the tragedy to scam people of their money. In some comments, some

facebook users called him ‘scammer comedian,’ saying he was in the past involved in other online scams that robbed people of their money. Juvuvine and his followers are always joking on social media and it is not clear if this time both parties were just cracking jokes about each other but with Juvivine hitting back and calling the men who commented “baloi, dinoga” who wear panties, and even boldly declaring that ‘Banna ba Botswana ba apara diphenti,’ most men have come out guns blazing and telling Jujuvine to watch his mouth. They say Juju should focus on those who were attacking him and stop generalizi­ng and suggesting that Batswana men are like women who like prying in other people’s business. Many even question his honesty as one wrote: “Was he really joking? Was it done from a good place? If he was genuine, why did he delete or edit the original post?” Another responded: “He deleted the post and posted a new one. The comments were brutal.” We always thought Juju’s posts were just his usual jokes and that when his followers respond in kind, he would also see their comments as jokes. Looks like this time o chestile what his followers wrote in response to what he had posted.

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