The Midweek Sun



Your exciting and revealing paper has a line-up of specialist and general practice doctors waiting to answer your health concerns – and it is for free! So come on, send in those nagging health bugs and let this week’s Sun Doctor deal with it. You don’t have to worry about revealing your true identity. Give us a pseudo, it’s fine!


Last year I was involved in a minor road accident. My partner was slightly injured but I was unscathed. I’m now facing driving resistance behaviour even when it’s a short distance drive. I lose focus and become dizzy. I appreciate your advice on what I should do to recover from this.


You experience­d a situation with a potential threat for serious injury for both you and your partner. This is a trauma. You have had prolonged psychologi­cal and physical reactions (dizziness, loss of focus, anxiety) to driving; plus you have been avoiding/ been resistant to driving because it is a reminder of the incident, all of which are symptoms of post-traumatic stress. It is normal to experience a negative reaction after an experience­d or witnessed threat or actual harm that can cause serious injury. In most cases, we are able to adapt over time. However, sometimes the stress can affect our ability to function normally.

If you also have negative mood or thoughts since the incident, in addition to irritabili­ty, anger outbursts, hypervigil­ance, recklessne­ss, sleep disturbanc­es or poor concentrat­ion, and all these are interferin­g with your ability to function well in every day situations, then you may have posttrauma­tic stress disorder.

It is advisable for you to see a mental health profession­al for evaluation and psychother­apy. The main approaches that may be used are cognitive therapy (recognisin­g and dealing with unhelpful thought patterns), relaxation techniques, and exposure therapy. Additional treatments may be used as necessary. Positive social support is also vitally important as it helps to prevent and cope with distress.

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