The Midweek Sun



BOBONONG’ in a sentence when introducin­g yourself. As Babirwa and Batswana, we pay tribute to Former Member of Parliament and LOO Dr Michael Kitso Dingake, who will not only be remembered as a former member of Parliament but also a liberation fighter who contribute­d to ensuring political stability in the SADC region. Hats off to you Mokgomong, ke go robatsa ka Temana ya ga 2 Timothy 4;7 ye e reng “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” Rest in eternal peace. [BEAUTY MANAKE]

My heartfelt condolence­s to Dingake family. May you find comfort in the Lord. His was a life well lived, for Comrade Michael Dingake gave a chunk of his life fighting for the liberation of the people. I got the honour of serving him tea and got to share a few words with him where he imparted wisdom. Being a struggle icon came with sacrifices and Botswana as a whole will drink from the bottomless well of knowledge and legacy he left behind. Rest in Power Leadership for you have fought a good fight and you were a trooper until the end. Gone but not forgotten. [CHRISTINE MOTSHIDISI]

e passing away of Comrade Michael Dingake or Comrade Mike as an opposition political veteran was affectiona­tely known in our country’s political space, is a great loss not only to his family, relatives, friends and fellow BCP members but also to the entire nation. His advocacy for the fundamenta­l rights of people especially the disadvanta­ged groups in society won’t be forgotten in our memories. His political standpoint on the struggling and toiling mass of our country made him to be one citizen who managed to stand with the disadvanta­ged groups in society before they depart this earth. Just like other departed opposition political stalwarts like Comrade Klass Motshidisi and Comrade Obonetse Menyatso, Comrade Dingake used his political experience to inspire change in the hearts and minds of people. As one of the gifted writers, he also masterfull­y used his beautiful pen to send perfect message on burning issues to the readership. May His Soul Rest In Peace. [MALATSI MOKHUBAMI]

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