The Midweek Sun



ere is nothing as refreshing as cold water on a hot, dry day! ere is nothing as refreshing for a man as a reassuring word from his beloved wife.

We live in the age of macho attitudes, and quite often men are guilty of such. But when a woman knows what her man is worth, she will do all she can to let him know that she appreciate­s him for who he is, not for what she can get from him. And a man knows what his wife is worth when he sees her for who she really is and loves her even without desiring sex. Being a wife is not an easy call. Being a husband is even harder.

at is why God created us different so that we can complement each other.

Wife, let your husband know that you are on his team. You are one! When your husband has a problem, it is your problem too. A husband longs for this kind of companions­hip where he knows that he is not alone. When he runs the sack race or the one hundred meter sprint at his kids’ school and he knows his wife is watching, he is a different man. He knows she is on his side and cheering him on, even if he does not win the race. To her winning is a bonus, participat­ion is what brings her excitement. He may have a six-pack, twelve-pack or even an eighteen-pack, but he is still her man and she is proud to be his woman.

She never runs him down in private or in public. She does not talk ill of him at church or on the streets. She respects him too much to do that to him. When she cooks meals for the family, she has him in mind all the time and gives it her best effort knowing that he will appreciate her hard work. She dresses to attract him only, not other men! She keeps herself looking sexy and snazzy because she knows she is the love of his life.

If you have children who are old enough to help make decisions with you as parents, involve your husband in parenting decisions. Stand by his discipline decisions. Do not contradict him in front of the children. Rather wait until they are gone to bed and speak gently to him without yielding to the temptation to have a shouting match. Show your respect for him in front of your children, and he will really feel your encouragem­ent!

Your difference­s do not have to divide you and cause an upset in your marriage. You can use those difference­s to your advantage. Some people like to think ahead and plan for days, weeks and months ahead. If your husband is in the “slow” lane, then slow down and bring him on board slowly while reaffirmin­g his headship and leadership. is may be a tough one for many women but it does not have to tear your marriage apart. Celebrate your difference­s. You were never meant to be the same.

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