The Monitor (Botswana)

Your Stars



23 Sep - 22 Oct

A lot of creative work may need to be finished by today, Aries. If you’re profession­ally involved with writing, a deadline may loom. It could be difficult to get it done because family members and friends could constantly call and text, which keeps you from concentrat­ing. What’s happening in your community today that attracts crowds, Taurus? A parade? A festival of some kind? Some friends may want you to go with them, but you hesitate for many different reasons. Go if you want to but take necessary precaution­s. You could meet some interestin­g people.

You may be too free with your money right now, Gemini. You’re usually careful with it, but the spirit of generosity and abundance is definitely upon you. You’re more inclined to be generous with those you care about. After all is said and done, you could panic, but don’t. You’re good at making money.

You usually love to talk, Cancer, but right now you’ve probably reached your limit. You’ve attended a number of virtual gatherings and talked to a lot of people over the past week or so, and now you want to sit quietly at home. If friends or family members insist on your chatting with them, don’t be afraid to say no.

Have you been indulging in too many goodies, Leo? You might feel under the weather because of all this abundance. You probably should take it easy. Think about reorganizi­ng your priorities. Is a second piece of chocolate cake more important than your energy and health?

It has been said that you can never have too many friends, Virgo, but today you might wonder if perhaps you do. Your phone could be ringing off the hook. One person after another will be soliciting you for advice and your famous shoulder to cry on. Be patient. One day you may need that person to be there for you. A small gathering of some kind could attract you and your family tonight, Libra. Perhaps you will arrange to meet some friends there, if possible. You may feel good just being out with those you love, but you’re likely to be tired by the end of the event. Make sure you fortify yourself with nourishing food during the day.

Too many phone calls may be on the agenda today, Scorpio. You might also have a few last-minute errands to run in your neighborho­od. It won’t be easy, probably because of unexpected delays, closures and traffic. Nonetheles­s, your sense of excitement and enthusiasm will help you tolerate conditions.

You may have lost your usual control of the purse strings and spent too much money lately, Sagittariu­s. Don’t worry about it. It’s all been for a good cause. It’s nothing you can’t handle, and certainly not enough to bankrupt you. The situation is only temporary anyway.

Generally, you’re a very sociable person, Capricorn, and today you won’t want to slow down. Invitation­s to parties, from intimate coffee klatches to big neighborho­od bashes, continue to come in, but you weigh the pros and cons of attending carefully now. Saying no goes against your nature because you don’t want to miss anything.

You and other members of your household might suddenly decide to do one more thorough house cleaning, Aquarius. Usually this would be a good idea, but today it doesn’t really need it, and you might work too hard and do too much. Do you really need to clean your closets now?

Too many people may be making demands on your time right now, Pisces. Some may have genuine concerns and need your assistance, but others have definite agendas that they really should deal with on their own. Use your intuition to tell the difference because you won’t be able to help them all.

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