The Monitor (Botswana)

Your Stars



21 Mar 19 Apr


20 Apr 20 May


21 May 20 Jun


21 Jun 22 Jul


23 Jul 22 Aug


23 Aug 22 Sep


23 Sep 22 Oct

Scorpio 23 Oct 21 Nov

Sagittariu­s 22 Nov 21 Dec


22 Dec 19 Jan


20 Jan 18 Feb


19 Feb 20 Mar

You’ve talked the talk over the last couple of weeks, Aries, but now it’s time to walk the walk. As the sun in your sign sextiles Mars in Gemini on Tuesday, go after what you want with enthusiasm and drive. It’s okay to act in your self-interest just as long as you have a plan.

It’s almost your season, Taurus, and you’ll start feeling the effects when lovely Venus enters your sign on Wednesday. Venus is your ruling planet, so get ready to feel the love for the next few weeks. The planet of love and beauty will help create new beginnings when it comes to love and financial pursuits.

The start of the week gives you a major boost of energy and drive when the sun in Aries sextiles Mars in your sign on Tuesday. This aspect creates sudden windfalls from the universe and positive surprises that will benefit you greatly. Just keep doing you, Gemini.

Oh no, Cancer! It looks like the ghost of relationsh­ips past comes to haunt you when Juno goes retrograde in Sagittariu­s on Monday. This retrograde occurs in your habit zone, which could mean that your bad relationsh­ip habits reappear in your life. Learn from your mistakes or be forced to relive them.

Lend a helping hand this week, Leo. On Tuesday, the sun in Aries sextiles Mars in Gemini, encouragin­g you to get involved in humanitari­an efforts. Use your natural enthusiasm and throw yourself into a cause you believe in. Sure, you won’t be able to solve all the world’s problems, but you can find ways to help your local community.

Love can go the distance, Virgo, as long as you can keep an open mind. On Wednesday, Venus enters Taurus and your philosophy zone, encouragin­g you to rethink your beliefs about love, beauty, and money. Maybe a long-distance relationsh­ip could work out? Or a chair would look good in your home?

Watch out for miscommuni­cation on Monday, Libra, because it could lead to serious relationsh­ip issues. Juno goes retrograde in Sagittariu­s and your sector of communicat­ion and logic, creating some tension and jealousy. Speak calmly and give the other person the benefit of the doubt before you go off.

Begin the week with some self-improvemen­t when the sun in Aries sextiles Mars in Gemini on Tuesday. This aspect can drive you toward growth and change if you’re willing to put in the work. This aspect could feel like a rebirth for you, Scorpio, so rise like the phoenix you are.

Try to be chill this week, Sagittariu­s. While we usually love your fiery nature, it could burn some of your important relationsh­ips to the ground when Juno goes retrograde in your sign on Monday. Lack of self-awareness and impulsive behavior could shake things up in a negative way, so try to be present.

Your week begins on a very indulgent note when Venus enters Taurus on Wednesday. Venus will be in your pleasure zone for the next few weeks, encouragin­g you to be creative and express yourself. Start a new hobby or new love affair. It’s okay to splurge a little on some luxury items. You deserve it, Capricorn.

We’re officially into spring, Aquarius, and you know what that means? Spring cleaning! On Wednesday, Venus enters Taurus and your sector of home, where it will stay for the next few weeks. This is a perfect time to clean up your space and even redecorate your space. New season, new furniture, new you!

Words become romantic and devoted when Venus enters steady Taurus on Wednesday. For the next few weeks, the planet of love and beauty will be in your sector of communicat­ion and logic. Communicat­ion in partnershi­ps becomes easier and things just seem to work out!

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