The Monitor (Botswana)

Concerned Youths Delay Masisi Petition

- Tsaone Basimanebo­tlhe Staff Writer

Agroup, calling itself ‘Concerned Youths’, says it has been forced to postpone the delivery of a petition to President Mokgweetsi Masisi.

This follows after the Office of the President did not respond to a request to hand over a document outlining their concerns.

The disgruntle­d group intended to deliver the petition last Saturday. The Concerned Youths leader, Keletso Victoria Tselayakgo­si said they expect to deliver the petition at a later date.

“We are waiting for the response from the Office of the President on a date that will be suitable to them for us to hand in the petition.

Again, we want to know the person who will receive the petition on behalf of the President, if he is not there.

Our concern is that the President is no longer consulting the nation as he promised during the 2019 General Election and the issue of unemployme­nt amongst the youth is also not addressed,” she said. She added their aim is to do things properly and follow the procedure in handing over the petition.

Tselayakgo­si distanced her group from reports there are elements who want to burn down the State House in protest. She denied that some political parties might be behind the motive of petitionin­g the President.

“We are responsibl­e youth and we are not going to allow any political movement to take advantage of us. We want this march to be peaceful.

Honestly, we are disappoint­ed by the President’s leadership and administra­tion,” she said.

Part of the petition dated July 22, 2021, signed by Tselayakgo­si reads: “As leaders of tomorrow with vested interests in the future of our country and that of our children, we have decided to take this bold step and be accountabl­e for the consequenc­es.

History will judge us harshly if we sit and continue to allow your iron fist rule that has proven not to put Batswana first”. Press secretary to the President, Batlhalefi Leagajang said the group was within its rights to deliver the petition.

“Every Motswana has the right to petition and we will respond to the petition when it reaches the (President’s) office. We haven’t seen it,” he said.

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