The Voice (Botswana)



IF only I had used the opportunit­ies I had on education the way I used them on substances, then I would have a bright future and would be something great in life.

I grew up with both my parents and a younger brother. We were not wealthy but we lived comfortabl­y, my parents could provide things that I needed to get by, not fancy things but necessitie­s. All they wanted for me was to do well in school and get a good job so that I can be independen­t and successful but I was on a different route.

I have always been a popular kid at school for my natural charm and intelligen­ce, evidently I became a Prefect at junior school. What people didn’t know about me was every day when I woke up, cigarettes would be the first thing in my mind. For me to satisfy the cravings for the day, I had to smoke at least eight cigarettes. I knew that smoking was not good for my health as it damages organs in the body; still, I enjoyed how cigarettes warmed me up and helped me to relax.

I started using cigarettes and marijuana in 2016 when I was doing form 2. This happened when I attended a house party organised by my friend, Kitso, who went to a different school. It wasn’t easy for me to start but since Kitso and his boys were doing it, I didn’t want to be the only one left out, plus the girls were also joining in. I was not going to mess up my cool guy reputation. I smoked my first joint and the high felt so good. After the party, I started hanging out with Kitso and the guys more frequently. We would meet up at the Bus Rank and smoke before taking combis to go our separate ways.

This went on for a while and it started affecting my education negatively, when I was under the influence, I lost concentrat­ion during lessons. I smoked weed almost daily and this led me to having problems in school but since I was a smart kid, I would sweet talk my teachers into thinking I was just experiment­ing and I had quit using. They would believe me and not punish me. Luckily, I have never been caught by the police. Smoking often got me into trouble because I acted without thinking. When I was high on marijuana, I would speak anyhow or do anything without considerat­ion. I used to feel like everyone was ‘less important’ I took them for granted. This affected my interactio­n with the other students and eventually my relationsh­ip with my family. I drove people away from me with my unruly behaviour.

Weed was also my night pill, it helped me to sleep. Ever since my childhood, I have always struggled with sleep. I would watch the night go by as I tossed and turned in my bed. Weed helped to knock me out, but I would struggle to wake up in the morning. I used to sleep in class during lessons and did not pay attention to the teachers. This led me to getting poor grades. Marijuana was slowly destroying my mind. Eventually all I could think about was getting my next joint. I remember a friend of mine asking me, “Do you think that you are doing yourself justice? You used to perform better than me but now you are failing dismally”. This got me thinking, but on the other hand I thought, “hey, I can’t be addicted, I am young and a smart user’’. I convinced myself that there are other people who are ‘junkies’ and that weed was not a drug.

My only saving grace was that no matter how much I hurt my family, they never gave up on me. They continued encouragin­g me to quit marijuana and cigarettes. In time, I realised how smoking was negatively affecting my life. My family and my education. I did not like what I had become; I lied to, stole from and manipulate­d people around me to get my way. I decided this had to stop and sought assistance. I started attending counsellin­g sessions at BOSASNET. It wasn’t easy but this helped me quit weed and cigarettes and regain control of my life. It worked for me because I was determined to stop; I was done with smoking.

If you think that you might have a substance abuse problem, or if you have a friend or family member who does, we encourage you to seek help. For some, it can mean the difference between life and death. You can find BOSASNET on Facebook, visit us on, or call us on 3959119 or 72659891 for more informatio­n.

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