The Voice (Botswana)



IN a case that can pass for tolerance of corruption, the Ministry of Environmen­t, Natural Resources Conservati­on and Tourism, Philda Kereng, has allowed a hunting deal of 20 elephants, which was clearly obtained under questionab­le circumstan­ces to go through.

Last week, the ministry’s acting Permanent Secretary, Oduetse Koboto, penned down a consent for Mababe Zokotsana Community Trust to finalise a hunting deal of these elephants with African Field Sports (AFS).

“The task team has concluded that notwithsta­nding the mistakes that have been committed at Mababe, the community must be allowed to utilise their allocated 2020 hunting quota. Therefore NG 41 hunting quota is available to Mababe ZCDT to utilise on behalf of the community but will be working with the team identified by the ministry to engage with AFS to ensure that the community gets a fair market value for the quota,” Koboto had written to the board.

In his action plan, he noted that the ministry will appoint a team which will start work on the 17th of this month.

Koboto was acting following the finalisati­on of the task force investigat­ions into the alleged corruption in the hunting deal which is estimated to be worth a few million Pula.

In its report, the investigat­ing team, led by Kgosi Sibangani Mosojane, noted that the Memorandum of Understand­ing (MOU) between the Trust and African Field Sports was signed a month before the government released the quota. This action raised suspicions that inside informatio­n was shared with the trust prior to the release of the said quotas.

The agreement was in fact entered into without the consent or consultati­on of the Mababe community. Nonetheles­s, the task team recommende­d that in spite of this, “now that a legal binding document in the form of the MOU has already been signed between the board and AFS, the board and Mababe community should be facilitate­d to get market value for their 2020 hunting quota.”

At the time of investigat­ions, according to the report, no amount had been finalised upon. However, the community - through an annual general meeting in January - had mandated the board to flight adverts calling for expression of interest in order to get the highest bid for their elephants.


Further, the report revealed that it was AFS that facilitate­d and paid for travelling and living expenses for two board members of trustees who attended the Safari Club convention in Reno last month.

Allegation­s have surfaced that a P1,5 million deal was agreed upon during this trip, although the board has since denied the claim.

It was during this trip that former minister of this same ministry, Kitso Mokaila, tagged along. His involvemen­t in the agreement raised eyebrows and Mababe tribal leadership, including Mababe Chief, Kgosi Kemontle Kebueleman­g, Kgosi G. Ruthano and a Village Developmen­t Committee member, Gaolalolwe

Obiditswe, approached the ministry and handed them a letter complainin­g about the suspicious involvemen­t of the former minister in the quota sale.

In the letter dated 21st January, 2020, Mababe leaders noted that, “It has since emerged that the board is on the rampant and steadfast in looking to clandestin­ely push an agenda on awarding the NG41 community concession Area without regard to due process. This is at the instance of highly placed officials in your Ministry and former leadership of the same.”

The leaders further complained that, “As we write to you today, the former minister in your ministry is currently holding a meeting with the Board of Trustees of Mababe Zokotsama Community Developmen­t Trust in Maun, without having extended invitation of the same meeting to other stakeholde­rs such as Dikgosi, Village Developmen­t Committee and Village Extension Team as required by the MZCOT Deed of Trust. We are dumbfounde­d as to what authority the former minister exercises to meet and/or influence the board.”

The task force started its investigat­ions from 10th to 19th February. It composed of four members; Batawana regent - Kgosi Kealetile Moremi, Kgosi Sibangani Mosojane, Kgosi Gokgathang Moalosi and Professor Joseph Mabaiwa.

Nonetheles­s, there is no mention of Mokaila or ministry officials in the report. Rather, most of the focus is on one of the whistleblo­wers in the matter, Kgosi Kebueleman­g, whom they accussed of being in the habit of absconding from work and fronting for other companies who could be having interest in the hunting quota.

As for the Board of Trustees, the task force concluded that, “It should be reprimande­d for signing the MOU without the consent of Mababe community, TAC and failing to observe the MZCDT Deed of Trust. They should be warned that such actions will not be tolerated in future.”

 ??  ?? WHISTLEBLO­WER: Kgosi Kgosimontl­e Kebueleman­g
WHISTLEBLO­WER: Kgosi Kgosimontl­e Kebueleman­g

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