The Voice (Botswana)



I am one open person; I am an open book. He knew how to work around that because he was vested with so much power. All my relationsh­ips, he went behind my back and intimidate­d the people. He had a hold on a lot of people I have tried to get into a relationsh­ip with.

What exactly do you mean?

I will tell you something, I have never been in a relationsh­ip. I have tried. I have even tried to get into a relationsh­ip with money. I did not understand the culture of a relationsh­ip and when I did, my manager got in the way because, you know, people are not comfortabl­e with their sexuality.


I was dealing with abandonmen­t issues. I was too clingy with who I am trying to love that they don’t even have time to love me back. My manager intimidate­d my partners about their sexuality. This had been going on for too long until I decided that I should go to rehab.

So you checked yourself into rehab, you were not talked into it by family?

Yes. I checked myself into rehab because nobody cared about me. I looked at myself as worthless. My level of selfesteem and confidence was so derailed to a point whereby I did not want to be seen. It got so bad towards the end of last year. I will tell you something, he painted a picture of a chaotic character.

But trouble seems to follow you. Do you know this?

Yes. Yes I do.


Most of the time it’s ‘purpose learnt’, it is not poor decision-making. Most of my chaos is orchestrat­ed by people around me. Even before the drugs, I know they planned all of the bad things against me. A lot of things have happened and were meant to happen to me.

What do you mean?

The drug industry in Botswana is (breathes heavily)... I am lucky to be alive. I am lucky to still be sane.

When did the drugs start?

In 2015.

What made you dependent on drugs?

I was not dependent on drugs. I tried to escape the reality of pain. The painful part was coming face to face with drastic measures afterwards. I had to cut ties with everyone I know and evaluate the relationsh­ips that surrounded me, from work to love relationsh­ips. When I did this, I found out that most of my relationsh­ips were orchestrat­ed with malicious intent by the one person I gave enough power to destroy me.

Please elaborate further and make it clearer for me, what do you mean by this?

Circumstan­ces always turned around to make me seem crazy. I started questionin­g my reality and during this time, I did not want to talk to nobody. I was literally down on my knees and I look back now and say I am lucky to be alive.

Do you think the drugs played a big part in your problems?

I don’t blame anything or anyone. I just believe things happened the way they were supposed to. I will tell you, I am the best version of myself right now. If happiness could be gauged from 1 to 10, I am at a 5.

Have you ever been at 10?

No. I have never been on a 10 but it is my first time at 5, that I will tell you!

What drug was it?

I would not want to say. I will tell you though that it was a drug that made me calm. Is it important to know?

Why were you missing shows?

I was not well. I couldn’t. I was mentally unstable. O a nkutlwa gore ka reng (do you understand what I am saying)? Mental health is very important. When they found out that I was on to what they were doing with all these rapes, they literally tried to make me go crazy!

Did they buy the drugs for you?

No! I bought the drugs for myself. I mean, I was addicted. I still am but I am recovering. You know what I am saying? I am recovering from a mental problem.

But your fans did not know all of this. They were screaming your name and you did not come.

That is the thing, that is what I am telling you, that [screaming fans], it is just not enough. I was losing my mind. I mean, if I missed a show because I broke my leg, it would be easier to understand, right? What would you rather lose, your mind or your leg? The mind is everything.

Are you in debt?

I am still trying to pay off all that I owe especially from last year when there was a lot of chaos. Just right now, you saw that I got a summons but I don’t live life by sulking. I take it with grace and I am going to move through this.

If you could undo one thing, what would it be?

I would not change a thing. I would not because the level of understand­ing - what I like and what I don’t like - has heightened right now. I understand now what it is that can advance me from point A to point B and I do understand what manipulati­on is. I have lots of knowledge right now that I would have not known if I had not gone through what you say is a negative space in my life. I mean, I have attempted suicide but I am still here.

You attempted suicide?

What I mean is that I now understand what a child who says I am going through depression means, on a personal level, because I have been through that. I now understand that it is not the drugs we should be fighting, the fight is to help one accept what one does not want to accept. It is what I call healing the inner child.

Any plans of having a family of your own in the future?

...depends on what you mean by family. I don’t know what family is.

Children of your own?

Umm, NO!

Do you have a financial advisor?

No, but I have had a financial restrainer and that was my mom. She used to co-sign with me.

Have you ever been broke?

I define poverty on a spiritual level. I have been poor with money in my pockets. That whole time of ‘Khiring Khiring Khorong’, what I did at the time was the most suicidal thing ever. I kept myself busy as opposed to dealing with what I was going through. Same as taking the drugs; I always felt guilty for taking drugs because I felt bad when taking drugs and then coming to have a conversati­on with you. I knew that was not me. It ate away at my spirit. But all I want to do is do good.

And finally, ‘Thank God It’s Friday’... what will you be up to?

Probably in the studio making music.

*ATI’S manager refused to comment on the allegation­s against him.

 ??  ?? AN OPEN BOOK: A.T.I

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