The Voice (Botswana)


- @sharonmath­ala

Growing up in the shadow of a superstar mother, would you say that made things easier or more difficult for you?

If you’re talking in reference to this competitio­n, well, it was not easy. She was pushing me a little too hard! We fought a lot, so much so that at times I wanted to give up. But to be honest, I would not have made it this far were it not for my mother’s support. But this is not her time, it’s mine, right? (laughs)

It is indeed! So there were times you wanted to give up?

Yes. There was just too much pressure. Plus my mother’s associate was one of the judges and I would get comments early on in the competitio­n that I was going to be favoured because of that. It really demoralise­d me at one point.

Thank goodness you persevered! How did you eventually audition for M.A.D?

Actually, I joined the auditions on the very last day. My mother had heard about the competitio­n and literally instructed me to send her a short video of me singing and she submitted it for me and I made the cut.

What would you say set you apart from the rest of the contestant­s?

Umm... I would say my voice. My voice is what got me this far. The journey was not an easy one. The competitio­n was really tough from the onset. There were really talented contestant­s this year.

Have you always been into singing?

No. I would not say so; it is something I picked up very late in my life. But I have always loved music.

What are some of the judges’ comments that will live with you forever?

The good or the bad ones?

Let’s go with both…

Well, I was always told to hold my mic properly, especially when I hit the high notes. And the other was they always told me to be comfortabl­e with the stage and relax.

I noticed your song choices throughout the competitio­n were a little unusual. What inspired such selections?

Most, if not all the songs I performed, I can relate with them. If you noticed, all the songs had a deep message behind them and it could be something I have personally gone through or what people around me have been through.

I have had people ask me to do others songs, maybe dance songs and stuff, but that is just not me, hence I stuck to those types of songs.

And your choice for the grand finale, Sia’s ‘Angel by the Wings?’

Well, Sia is my all time favourite artist. Plus there is one line in the song that I hold dear and which gave me strength throughout the competitio­n, which is ‘you can do anything’.

Apart from a slightly pushy mum, what challenges did you

encounter in the competitio­n?

(Laughs) I wouldn’t want to say, but it would have to be time management. I don’t like people who are late. It just disorienta­tes me.

Tell me about your prizes.

I won P30,000 in cash on the night but I have also been told I will get other prizes worth P100,000.

What are you going to do with the money?

I am not sure yet but I will most likely invest the money.

Wise decision! So, who was the first person you called after winning?

(Laughs) A friend and my grandmothe­r.

And what is next for you?

Now I am going to start taking this music thing very seriously. I am going to be spending a lot of time in studio. I have a project coming up with DJ Kuchi so I will be focusing more on that.

I joined the auditions on the very last day!

Do you plan to release an album?

Yes, I will be releasing new songs soon, hopefully a full album will be ready before the end of the year.

When you’re not wowing the nation with your voice, what do you get up to in your spare time?

I am a make-up artist. My friend and I have a little business going on.

Do you consider yourself a celebrity now?

No. I am not yet there. I will get there though!

Which local artist would you like to work with?

Sal Angel [former Ice Cold Mob member]. I think he is really dope so I would love to work with him.

TGIF, where will you be spending your Friday?

I will be out celebratin­g with friends, either over a braai or at a restaurant.

 ??  ?? DREAMY VOICE: Thuto Rantao on stage
DREAMY VOICE: Thuto Rantao on stage

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