The Voice (Botswana)




(21 March - 19 April)

What has been holding you back from getting closer to or getting to know someone better, Aries? Even if it involves a feeling of insecurity on your part, you are not likely to admit that to yourself or to anyone else. But it is important to analyze why you feel a certain way about a potentiall­y special relationsh­ip. This week, you may have a chance or two to figure out what is stopping you and find a way to work through it. It will be easier than you think. You may discover in the days ahead that there is far more involved in a venture you took on willingly than you ever would have guessed. On the one hand, this will mean a lot more work and time.


(20 April - 20 May)

Other than the occasional phone call or visit to the grocery store and a chat with the checkout person, your social life may not be very social right now. You may be fenced in with work and obligation­s and not able to do much more than what you have to do, dear Taurus. But that does not mean that you can’t add some fun into your life, and this would be a great week to make that happen. What is considered fun is different to everyone, so don’t get caught up in the word itself. If you find a double feature on the old DVD accompanie­d by a glass of wine and a plate of cheese and crackers, then go for it. If fun is a drive through the country to look at the scenery, then by all means do it. Surely you must need something now to add peace and hope to your life.


(21 May - 20 June)

Privacy and secrets surroundin­g matters of the heart will be primary thoughts for you this week, Gemini. Something is on your mind related to romance. That may mean a current love affair, or it could be some love experience from the past that still haunts you. You may feel compelled to go over and over something that happened, or something that you wish would happen, and it may distract you to no end. But this is not a week to make any kind of a romantic move by either pushing a matter connected to a present relationsh­ip or reaching out for an old flame. Your feelings may change rapidly after this week. This is an appropriat­e time to express gratitude to someone in your life that you feel you may have overlooked.


(21 June - 22 July)

The focus is on you this week, Moonchild - yes, you. Even though you don’t always admit to liking the attention because you don’t like being conspicuou­s, you will have to admit that all that attention and admiration can make you feel pretty darn good. Well, enjoy it. Lap it up. Not only will this be good for your ego and your confidence, but it will validate that some talent or aspect of yourself that you don’t feel so great about really is much better than you realized. Either Tuesday or Wednesday could be a significan­t day when you cross paths with someone who will either have an important message for you or will offer you some valuable insight into something you have been trying to understand. Pay attention carefully.


(23 July - 22 August)

You may clash this week over priorities with someone you partner with, either at work or in a personal relationsh­ip. If you don’t decide ahead of time that your relationsh­ip is more important than the matter at hand, it could easily get out of control and devolve into a full-blown conflict. Be very cautious about what you say and what you do, and commit yourself to working this out together. It will benefit you both. Someone may expect you to take a leading role in a work- or money-related matter in the days ahead. You may not feel prepared for this or savvy enough to be the one in charge. Give yourself a chance at this anyway, Leo, for you may be naturally gifted in a way you had not expected.


(23 August - 22 September)

Some plans that are important to you may wind up being changed this week. Although this may come as a disappoint­ment, Virgo, you should find that this change will make things better in some important aspect, so don’t waste time fretting over it. This will also leave time in your schedule to catch up with a matter you have neglected, or get down to the bottom of a problem that has been difficult to resolve. Your reputation at work could be in the spotlight this week. Someone may have spent a lot of time admiring you, even though they may not have said much if anything about it. This could lead to a new offer or opportunit­y that will be quite exciting, and could expand your potential in your field and help propel you upward. Someone may also approach you this week in an effort to entice you into some kind of a deal or investment.


(23 September - 22 October)

Office or neighborho­od politics could get under your skin this week, Libra. Something has been brewing and someone has been trying to involve you in the drama. This week, make it abundantly clear that you are not interested - assuming you are not interested - or you will be drawn into the fray. It is probably wise not to get involved, for this could get ugly due to clashing personalit­ies. Even if you have no special interest in this, you may suffer just as much from the tension. A friend or an ally may come to you this week with a request for a role in a team effort. While this may seem like a small role with limited obligation­s, be sure to ask all the questions necessary to ascertain what your involvemen­t would be exactly, and don’t be swayed into going along with this if you have reservatio­ns about it. Dismiss any gossip you hear this week.


(23 October- 21 November)

A message someone sends you this week may unintentio­nally strike you in a very positive way. What you hear may inspire you to feel more courageous about getting back to a goal, Scorpio. Although it is always good to try again when you’ve been knocked down, sometimes the courage comes in to save you from trying simply out of ego. If this is still the right thing for you, then go for it. But be honest enough with yourself to know if it’s something you should set aside. Two great opportunit­ies could come to you at the same time. This may mean choosing between two great jobs if you have been looking, or two different projects in an existing job or something similar. You may be tempted to find a way to take on both, but that would only dilute your strength and enthusiasm.


(22 November- 21 December)

You may have come to think that you just won’t be happy or satisfied until you can get a certain person to come around to your way of thinking. You may have used every argument you can come up with, only to experience disagreeme­nt. You may never be able to get that individual on the same page though, Sagittariu­s, and if you persist, it could turn into something worse. This week, work at trying to see and understand that person’s point of view. Although you will probably never agree with it, it will help you understand where they are coming from, and even cogent points for expressing why you feel the way you do. Someone in your life has not been giving you the breathing room that you need. To just say that you “need space” may be an understate­ment, because it may not just be about the time you spend together.


(22 December- 19 January)

You may find yourself feeling a lot of stress at the start of this week over a work situation or with some project you have taken on in your personal life. Maybe you fear you have gotten in too deep and agreed to do something you just aren’t prepared for. But before you implode emotionall­y, Capricorn, take some time to brainstorm for ways to alleviate the pressure you are feeling. There is an easier way to keep going without causing yourself so much strife. There may be a focus this week on a friend you have known for a very long time - perhaps a friend from childhood. There may be some unspoken wall between you that needs to be dealt with.


(20 January - 18 February)

A relationsh­ip that is now focused on working toward a gain of some kind could bring a lot of joy into your life. Whether this is a friendly partnershi­p or a romantic connection, you have teamed up to do something that will make you both happy, or you will soon. Continue to recognize the happiness associated with this bond so you aren’t ever tempted to take it for granted, for it could be long-lasting. You are not typically a critical person, Aquarius, but right now, you might be your own worst critic. You may be judging something you are doing or something you have accomplish­ed against another person who has a lot more experience. Give yourself a break. This is a learning experience that will stay with you, and there should be nothing to regret. Don’t let indecisive­ness dictate your role in an endeavor you encounter.


(19 February - 20 March)

You may find yourself experienci­ng more of an ebb and flow of emotions this week, Pisces. While that isn’t all that unusual for you, it may be more noticeable now because you are trying to concentrat­e on a serious matter. If you seek out a quiet space, though, and meditate about what’s on your mind, you will be able to stabilize your thoughts and come to a clear understand­ing and ultimately a solution for what’s bothering you. Be careful not to wear yourself thin with a home-related matter you have been working on. There could be a renovation going on or a change of some kind on the home front. But this is supposed to be about making your life better, not more stressful, so try to be more conscious of enjoying the process rather than stressing over it.

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