The Voice (Botswana)


Farmer loses P10,000 to money cleansing men


About three months ago, Tonota village false prophets swindled an old woman of P300,000.

Last week, the prophets hit again, defrauding a 52-year-old man of Mosojane village, who had gone shopping in Tonota, of P10 000.00

The man was buying groceries for his farm in Tonota when two men approached him and told him his many problems.

“The victim reported that the false prophets won his trust as they told him the same things he was told before that day by a traditiona­l healer he had consulted. The men then asked him to go somewhere quiet so they could assist him,” revealed Tonota Police Station Commander, Oteng Ngada.

That is when the false prophets produced a calabash and told the old man that if it miraculous­ly filled up with milk, his problems would be solved. Unfortunat­ely for the old man, the calabash did not fill up and the prophets asked for the man’s ATM card and pin so they could pray for them. Since he had already complained about a thokolosi that troubled him by mysteriosu­ly cashing his money, he didn’t have any problem with letting the two men go away with his card and pin to cleanse his money.

“When the man was resting at his farm, he noticed that P6,000 was withdrawn and the false prophets immediatel­y phoned him to inform him that the thokolosi had withdrawn the money but promised to resolve the issue fast,” the Station Commander continued.

Ngada added that after two hours, another P4,000 was withdrawn and that is when the victim realised he had been robbed and rushed to the police station to be helped with blocking the card.

Police officers tried to call the prophets’ phones but they did not go through.

Cautioning against false prophets, Ngada said there were no prophets who could multiply money.

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