The Voice (Botswana)



The much-awaited byelection­s are on this weekend and hopefully thereafter there will be other issues to talk about other than politics.

These by-elections have been talking points for the last couple of weeks mainly because of the not-so-new political outfit, Citizens for Change Coalition (CCC), led by Nelson Chamisa.

Big crowds have been attending the party’s campaign rallies and it remains to be seen if that would translate to their victory this weekend.

Of course there is fear of rigging by the ruling Zanupf as has been the case in the past but CCC have hope that they would still emerge victors.

What has also been attentiong­rabbing about these elections are the promises and claims made by the two parties in their quest to get the electorate to vote for them.

On Monday, fuel prices went down by eight cents and government spokespers­on, Nick Mangwana, was quick to point out that our ‘compassion­ate government’ had taken into account the plight of masses affected by the high cost of fuel.

Two weeks back, fuel prices were increased to an all time high of $1.74 (P20.00) a litre with the government citing the RussiaUkra­ine war, which had pushed up oil prices globally. Fast forward to this week, the war is still on, oil prices still on the increase and we wake up to the news that locally prices have come down.

One cannot help but wonder if the increase was not a well calculated move to then decrease the prices a few days before the crucial byelection­s so voters can think the ruling party is very compassion­ate. We know better; in any case, most fuel stations had not adjusted their prices at the time of going to press as they also know that there is no sincerity but mere politickin­g in all this.

But I think the lousiest political statement by the ruling party was promising to give fishing boats to Binga villagers. Binga is one of the country’s poorest and marginalis­ed areas situated on the shores of Zambezi River and the majority of its people are into fishing.

It is against this background that President Emmerson Mnangagwa promised all the chiefs, women and young people fishing boats so they can all descend on the river and catch as much fish as they can; forget about sustainabi­lity.

Binga villagers have for years been crying for social amenities and proper infrastruc­ture but to this day those in power remain to ignore that but instead promise them things that won’t add value to their lives.

They know all the tricks of fishing and need no boats but some value chain to their industry. No wonder they have always voted for the opposition, with the hope that maybe one day there will be change of guard that would have a positive impact on their lives.

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