The Voice (Botswana)

Where’s my refund?


Hello, sir. I bought an SSD for P400 from a technician.

Upon buying it, I got to test it at home and found out it does not work. That was two weeks back and he has been saying he will refund or give me another one for two weeks. Kindly help me, sir.

Let’s start with the basics. Section 15 (1) of the Consumer Protection Act says that a consumer “has the right to receive goods which are of good quality, in good working order and free of defects”. Section 16 of the Act says that if the goods fail this test within 6 months, the consumer may return the goods for a replacemen­t, repair or a refund. In this case, it was quite simple, this guy offered you a refund. So far, so good.

However, as often happens, he let you down. Despite promising you the refund, he’s now spent three weeks wasting your time with empty promises.

I contacted the guy and, to begin with, he was helpful. He told me a long story about his problems with his supplier, the items he’d supplied you in the past and something about the compatibil­ity of the SSD he sold you. He finished by saying that he would “give him cash before Wednesday next week”. I asked him if he was certain of that and he was very clear. “Yes”, he said.

That was two weeks ago. Nothing has happened yet.

His latest approach is to refuse to believe it’s me he’s talking to. Am I really the Richard in The Voice? Perhaps I’m an imposter? No, I hope he now knows this is the real me.

Let’s hope he can find the P400 that he owes you soon? Otherwise I suspect he’s not going to have many customers left.

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