The Voice (Botswana)



Thefeel-good factor was out in full force at Ba Isago University in Gaborone last Friday, 9 February, 2024, as the lucky winners from Choppies Group’s Big Birthday Bonanza received their prizes.

The special ceremony was graced by Vice President of the Republic of Botswana, Slumber Tsogwane. The competitio­n’s final draw was broadcast live to the nation on 26 January, with the grand prize, a brand new Mercedes Benz C200 won by Dimpho Rabasimane. The retail giant also gave away five Nissan Navara cars, as well as P15, 000 vouchers to 97 happy customers. Highlighti­ng just how much the initiative has evolved, Choppies Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Ramachandr­an Ottapathu revealed they started the Birthday Bonanza in 2003 with just one car. “We have consolidat­ed this brand to be what it is today. From humble beginnings, it has grown over the years and today we are giving away prizes worth more than P6.5 million! Over the years, through our value creation and shared value concept, we have changed many lives and added value to our society. We are proud of that and we will continue to add value to the communitie­s we operate in and I’m sure we will be able to do more,” promised Ottapathu, adding

Choppies run similar schemes in Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe where they also have operations. Running strong for 20 years, the Choppies Big Birthday Bonanza is an annual competitio­n which gives customers the chance to win cars and cash prizes. Over the years, Choppies has given out over 230 vehicles and millions in cash. This year, to mark two decades of the Birthday Bonanza, the Group went a step further, with 20 lucky staff members each pocketing P10, 000. Guest of Honour, Vice President Tsogwane commended the private sector for their active participat­ion in helping government facilitate economic growth. “This initiative has been growing time to time therefore we must acknowledg­e the life changing effect this competitio­n has made in Botswana. Since inception, Choppies has been a beacon of light through its participat­ion in various social developmen­t programmes. This is not just a competitio­n but a life changing event. The more Choppies grows, the more it gives to its customers,” declared Vice President Tsogwane. Establishe­d in 1986, Choppies has been on a massive expansion since the turn of the millennium, stretching it’s footprint across the country and beyond.

“From humble beginnings, the Big Birthday Bonanza has grown over the years and today we are giving away prizes worth more than P6.5 million!”

Choopies CEO, Ramachandr­an Ottapathu

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