The Bruneian

Improving local government tax administra­tion can boost collection


Indonesia has one of the lowest tax revenue collection rates in Southeast Asia. Its tax to gross domestic product (GDP) ratio is at 11.5% as of 2017 against the 15% needed to be able to sustain economic growth and fight poverty.

Improving tax collection has become more urgent in the wake of the coronaviru­s disease (COVID-19) pandemic to ensure that public goods and services, including healthcare, are delivered to Indonesia’s citizens.

A project supported by the Asian Developmen­t Bank has helped improve tax collection by an average of almost 37% between 2015 and 2018 by modernizin­g local government taxation and policy improvemen­t.

The project analyzed the challenges in raising local tax revenue, worked with the Ministry of Finance on needed regulatory amendments, and tested several strategies to modernize tax administra­tions in four pilot areas: Badung, Bali; Balikpapan, East Kalimantan; Bandung, West Java; and the Special Capital Region of Jakarta.

Indonesia requires local government­s to raise a greater portion of their revenue from local sources. However, it has been a challenge for local government­s to raise revenues from local taxes. In 2012, the ratio of local government tax to GDP stood at 1.1%. By 2018, it had reached only 1.3%.

The report found the principal law governing the raising of localsourc­e revenue “wanting.” Parts of it are out of date, and the tax base is too narrow. The law also imposes taxes in ways that are not compatible with the funding needs of local government­s.

While there have been attempts to amend the law to offer more streamline­d and coherent legislatio­n on the imposition of local government taxes, progress in the House of Representa­tives has been sluggish. Motor vehicle tax and taxes on certain goods and services, land and building taxes, taxes on natural resources, and surcharge on tobacco excise tax and personal income tax are among the taxes the report said could increase revenues.

But the project highlighte­d that local government­s can still boost their revenue by upgrading their tax administra­tion to modern internatio­nal standards.


The report noted the lack of comprehens­ive cadastre or real property database as among the challenges facing local government­s. Despite the merits of property taxes, Indonesia collects relatively little of them by internatio­nal standards.

There were also deficienci­es in local government­s’ informatio­n technology or IT systems. Two common problems are weak data governance in tax administra­tion and the poor integratio­n of informatio­n systems into a single tax IT system. Local government­s also lack online filing of selfassess­ment returns, which is standard practice in modern tax administra­tions.

The report also found that local government­s differed in their degree of commitment in introducin­g tax reforms, which significan­tly affected progress. It cited frequent changes in leadership, prioritizi­ng shortterm revenue targets over improving fundamenta­l aspects of tax administra­tion for more sustainabl­e revenue gains over the long term, reluctance to take ownership of reform, and low employee engagement.

Administra­tive mechanisms and practices were also found to be deficient, with tax enforcers having “a capability deficit” in tax administra­tion. The Special Capital Region of Jakarta, being the most prosperous local government and the best located to attract skilled employees to handle tax administra­tion tasks, was not as constraine­d compared with poorer regions, which do not have the resources to hire and retain skilled employees.

In addition, commitment to tax reform varies among the local government­s, with reluctance often due to individual resistance to change.


During the project’s implementa­tion, the project provided training and practical assistance to enhance the breadth, depth, and reliabilit­y of the pilot local government­s’ property databases; raised the standards of their informatio­n technology systems; and improved their tax administra­tion organizati­onal structures and business processes. These improvemen­ts ultimately resulted in increased tax collection­s.

To help improve real property databases in the four pilot areas, the project deployed drones and other technologi­es to map out land and buildings and to update property records. The project also incorporat­ed training in data collection planning through mapping and field surveys, quality control over collected data, training in fiscal cadastre mobile applicatio­ns, the production of a fiscal cadastre technical manual, and supervisor­y support—all intended to enable local government­s to collect fiscal cadastre data independen­tly.

To help upgrade IT systems, the project developed mediumterm IT blueprints, both general and specific, for the four pilot government­s. The blueprints are based on gap analyses, which generated recommenda­tions for system design and road maps for implementa­tion.

Local government­s used the IT gap analysis as a guide to plan their IT system investment­s and budgets, as well as their IT developmen­t and implementa­tion. Balikpapan, for instance, allocated a budget for IT developmen­t based on the project’s IT blueprint and gap analysis. The project found Balikpapan lacked ICT experts who could design and maintain IT systems, with only one temporary employee performing the tasks.

The gains made and lessons learned through the project show viable solutions that other local government­s across the country can adopt.

 ?? ?? Image: Shuttersto­ck
Image: Shuttersto­ck
 ?? ADB ?? With a comprehens­ive database of real property registrati­on and informatio­n, land and building taxes have the potential to boost local government­s’ revenue collection. Image:
ADB With a comprehens­ive database of real property registrati­on and informatio­n, land and building taxes have the potential to boost local government­s’ revenue collection. Image:

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