Asian Diver (English)

Whip Coral and Gorgonian Sea Fans


Wire coral and gorgonians are also animals, although they don’t move about. In various parts of the world, a whole host of different goby species thrive on these long, thin coral whips. Being fish, they are prone to move about quite a lot, and they don’t seem to have one particular wire coral host; instead, they take advantage of many of them. They are well camouflage­d and vanish out of sight as soon as a predator comes close simply by jumping onto the other side of the whip coral or gorgonian. Crustacean­s such as the xeno crab and several type of shrimp like the Zanzibar shrimp also spend their lives living on the wire, and the ever-popular pygmy seahorse has turned camouflage into an art form – they’re almost impossible to see.

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