Asian Diver (English)

Vital to the Oceans


Although they may seem small and unimportan­t, all these symbiotic relationsh­ips are vital to life in the oceans. Not only do they provide food and shelter or a much-needed clean-up for the animals in question, they also ensure that every species has the best possible conditions to survive and reproduce. Symbiotic relationsh­ips are found everywhere in the oceans, and are not restricted to the warm, shallow coral reefs.

The kelp forests of the temperate seas are surprising­ly diverse, and symbiosis even plays a part in the deep frigid waters of the Arctic and Antarctic.

Since all animals in the end serve as food for others, it’s easy to see how even the slightest disruption could cause a marine ecosystem to go off balance. Every niche is equally important, even if it at first looks insignific­ant to the human eye. Therefore, we should celebrate the diversity and marvel at the amazing adaptation­s animals have made through evolution to fit their tiny world perfectly.

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