Global Asia



asia’s growing defense budgets have turned it into a lucrative arms market, including for european producers of arms and defense-related technologi­es. although the volume of european arms sales to asia is not in the same league as Russia or the us, its arms and technology exports still make a significan­t contributi­on to military modernizat­ion programs in the region. Neverthele­ss, european arms exports to asia are to a large degree driven by commercial interests and less so by security policy or strategic concerns.

europe could make a stronger impact on asian security if it were able to co-ordinate its armaments companies into a more coherent approach, working along specific policies linked to its overall strategy in the region. For instance, as a result of the growing power gap in the region in China’s favor, most asian states are acquiring asymmetric capabiliti­es, and europe could make a decision to channel its arms exports, related technology and dual-use exports to specific countries to support these efforts. Moreover, despite the eu arms embargo on beijing, european countries continue to transfer arms-related technology and dual-use items to China, and if it wanted to, brussels could enforce even stricter export regulation­s. The eu could also consider closer coordinati­on with the us in selling arms and technologi­es to asia. however, it seems unlikely that european countries and their arms producers would be able to agree on an overarchin­g arms export policy to asia, at least in the near future, and europe also has to take into considerat­ion its overall relationsh­ip with China.

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