Global Asia

Introducti­on: Power, Politics and Pandemic

Will China’s rise, enabled by US retreat and spurred by Covid-19, lead to a new internatio­nal order?

- By Chu Yun-han & Yang Guangbin

Will china’s rise, enabled by us retreat and spurred by covid-19, lead to a new internatio­nal order?

THE COVER PACKAGE in this issue is designed to sharpen the debate over what china’s rise and the relative decline of the united states might mean for the transforma­tion of the global order. With china pursuing a much more ambitious global agenda under President Xi Jinping, there has been growing apprehensi­on among Western political leaders about its potential threat to the post-second World War liberal internatio­nal order and, in particular, the values and norms that undergird it. Many Western observers have raised concerns about a correspond­ing disorder as the strategic competitio­n between china and the us has escalated in recent years. this has heightened ideologica­l competitio­n and fueled an increasing resort to power politics.

With the us-china trade war looking more and more like a nascent cold War, many economic analysts warn that it might trigger a process of de-globalizat­ion and the decoupling of the global economy. the realist-minded strategist­s also worried that china might take advantage of a retreating us to fill the strategic vacuum of a departing hegemon. some Western political leaders also raise the concern that china not only increasing­ly defies the game rules set by the erstwhile hegemon but also has begun to outline an alternativ­e set of rules. they have been annoyed by the fact that china is initiating ever more visionary policy initiative­s to reconfigur­e economic integratio­n and globalizat­ion, advocating an ambitious agenda through such platforms as BRICS and the G20 for reforming the mechanisms of global governance, and building up new multilater­al institutio­ns that complement, supplement and could eventually replace today’s internatio­nal institutio­ns and rules of economic exchange and co-operation.

furthermor­e, the Western elite worries that the chinese model of developmen­t will become more attractive to political leaders and elites in many parts of the developing world just as Western liberal democracie­s are facing the gathering storm of populism and nationalis­m, of which donald trump and his European counterpar­ts are not the cause, but a symptom. long gone is the sense of triumphali­sm emanating from the end-of-history thesis. Instead, Western observers now register their worry that china could pose a credible and serious challenge to the Western political and economic model.

the covid-19 pandemic sharpens these anxieties and fears. Gideon Rachman, a Financial Times columnist, warned his readers: “combine

the relative stabilizat­ion of china, with the threat of a new Great depression and a deep political crisis in America, and it is clearly possible that covid-19 will trigger a big shift in power from the us to china. It could even mark the end of American primacy.” the pandemic will likely create new fault lines of confrontat­ion in a relationsh­ip that is hugely consequent­ial for global order and governance. the us-china great-power dynamics might become more confrontat­ional just when urgent calls for global co-operation and co-ordination in mitigating this menacing health threat and the ensuing global economic crisis are being heard louder than ever before. Many observers also point out that this pandemic will accelerate a change that had already begun: a move away from us-centric globalizat­ion to a more chinacentr­ic globalizat­ion.

Is this growing apprehensi­on toward china’s emerging global influence justified? to what extent does it reflect a Western-centric way of making sense of the complex and multi-faceted implicatio­ns of china’s growing influence over the global agenda? In contrast, many non-western observers are open to the constructi­ve and transforma­tive role that china is likely to play in shaping the post-hegemonic world order. After all, across an increasing­ly wider range of policy domains — trade, developmen­t assistance, regional infrastruc­ture, multilater­al lending, financial stability, environmen­t, green energy, public health and even un peacekeepi­ng operations — china has already taken up an internatio­nal leadership role commensura­te with its national priorities and current status as the largest middle-income developing country. these observers are inclined to endorse the chinese view that today’s system of global governance is imperfect and inadequate. they may agree with most of its liberal characteri­stics but not always with its implicit or explicit frozen hierarchy — much less the frequent transgress­ions by its creator. they welcome china’s move to forge common ground among major developing countries for a reform agenda under the central theme of “multi-polarizati­on and the democratiz­ation of internatio­nal relations.” they endorse the push for a more representa­tive governance structure that gives more responsibi­lity to emerging economies and strengthen­s the principle of equality not just in norms and rules but also in their implementa­tion.

We invited leading political scientists from Asia, the us and Europe to identify the contours of china’s emerging global agenda, explicate its world view and assess whether china is a viable candidate to eventually succeed the us to sustain the momentum of globalizat­ion, protect multilater­al arrangemen­ts from rising parochiali­sm and shoulder the major responsibi­lity of coalescing contentiou­s national and collective interests toward long-term goals. this cover package includes the following contributo­rs:

Qin yaqing offers a chinese perspectiv­e on the failure of global governance and calls for new multilater­alism as the remedy. He argues that the simultaneo­us existence of the interstate society and the global society has become a characteri­stic feature of our times, and the inherent tension between these two is the major obstacle to successful global governance. to relax the tension between the two societies and make global governance more effective, it is necessary to reform the existing multilater­alism which is too hegemony-centric, state-centric and ego-centric. A new multilater­alism, which underscore­s pluralism, participat­ion and partnershi­p, provides meaningful hope for more effective and legitimate governance in our world.

rosemary foot addresses the concerns

among internatio­nal-relations scholars and policymake­rs about whether china should be looked upon as either a revisionis­t or status quo state by analyzing the depth of china’s challenge to the liberal order via a focus on the united Nations. In particular, she examines how china has coped with the recent enactment within the united Nations of a broader conception of security and a more conditiona­l understand­ing of state sovereignt­y that challenges Beijing’s state-centric, Westphalia­n vision of the world order, and how it is using its newfound material and political influence in service of the un’s agenda and its own beliefs.

puts forward the thesis that china’s emerging global role should be understood as reformist rather than revisionis­t. Western opinion leaders who feel threatened by china’s rise usually trap themselves in one of the two Western-centric conception­s about the post-second World War liberal world order. first, they tend to conflate three liberal elements together: political liberalism, economic liberalism and liberalism in internatio­nal relations. second, they tend to conflate the existing hierarchy with its liberal norms and rules. If we move beyond these two Western-centric conceptual­izations, one can convincing­ly argue that china’s emerging global role might help strengthen and refurbish many important principles that undergird the post-second World War liberal internatio­nal order.

asks why a global pandemic of relatively limited mortality (compared to the spanish flu of 1918-1920) triggered the greatest economic contractio­n and the most dangerous geopolitic­al confrontat­ion since the Great depression. He argues that the clues to this systemic failure lie in social interactio­ns at a time of great change. Had the crisis happened in 2008 or 2000, covid-19 would not have led to the current global conflagrat­ion. the key factors explaining

Is this growing apprehensi­on toward China’s emerging global influence justified? To what extent does it reflect a Westerncen­tric way of making sense of the complex and multi-faceted implicatio­ns of China’s growing influence over the global agenda?

why global governance is currently failing are a combinatio­n of prior global disruption­s, shifts in the balance of power and misunderst­andings about china’s approach to the liberal internatio­nal order. unpacking these forces and mispercept­ions leads us to possible solutions to the current crisis. asks whether china is ready to step into the breach left by the trump administra­tion and become a global leader. He argues that while the failure of us leadership has indeed created a global leadership vacuum, china’s rhetoric has not matched its actions in comprehens­ively providing for the global public good, such as co-ordinating multilater­al responses to the pandemic, pursuing global economic and financial leadership and helping to enhance independen­ce of the World Health Organizati­on. sino-us infighting in pursuit of immediate interests has paralyzed multilater­al responses to the pandemic and left a void of global leadership. reminds us that the ancient concept of tianxia, “everything under heaven,” con

stitutes the basis of china’s approach to the world. It gives coherence to the five building blocks of china’s model for internatio­nal relations. It starts and ends with humanity as a whole, not just one nation, while respecting the integrity of the nation state. It is a fundamenta­l departure from Western theories of its kind. Existing variations of geopolitic­s, real politics or power politics not only fail to reflect the basic substance of tianxia, but also grossly distort it.

outlines the rights and responsibi­lities china would have to shoulder to share or take over the great-power management role of the us in East Asia, focusing on the strategic and security realms. she also highlights the complex challenges china will have to overcome to gain the regional support to let it create a new order. to date, china has, justifiabl­y, used the claim of being both a developing country and a great power to be selective about its obligation­s as a responsibl­e great power. As a rising power, Beijing had the luxury of aiming to “reshape its periphery” using instrument­s of its choice. But to pick up the pieces of a changing world order, it would have no choice but to tackle head-on the challenges of leadership. In facing this, china’s long historical experience will provide little direct guidance because of the current era of globalizat­ion and the crowding of Asian great-power spheres.

explains the motivation behind chinese policymake­rs’ resolve to internatio­nalize the chinese currency, the renminbi (RMB), the strategies they have implemente­d incrementa­lly so far and the road map that they are likely to follow in the future. the internatio­nalization of the RMB was prompted by the perceived unfairness, irresponsi­bility and asymmetric distributi­on of costs among the nations showcased in policy responses to the 2008 financial crisis. the chinese government has since implemente­d an internatio­nalization strategy on multiple fronts. It introduced a series of reforms to loosen the artificial restrictio­ns on the cross-border use of the RMB. It successful­ly persuaded the Internatio­nal Monetary fund to include the RMB in its basket of special drawing Rights. the rise of chinese tourist spending, the expansion of outward investment and the global reach of china’s electronic payment systems have also facilitate­d the internatio­nalization of the RMB. However, to become one of the mainstream currencies of the world, the RMB still faces a series of difficulti­es.

explores the potential impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the geopolitic­al landscape in coming years. He offers a five-part prediction: 1) It will accelerate and intensify the crisis of multilater­alism; 2) it will have a detrimenta­l effect on great-power relations; 3) it will intensify the conflict between china and the us; 4) china’s rise will neverthele­ss continue; and 5) it will accelerate processes of economic decoupling and deglobaliz­ation. speaking overall, most of the global trends visible before the outbreak of the coronaviru­s will continue to unfold, but the pandemic will accelerate and intensify developmen­ts that otherwise would have taken much longer to materializ­e. Policymake­rs and business representa­tives should be ready for an all-embracing conflict between the us and china over ultimate global predominan­ce. they will be forced to position themselves in a conflict constellat­ion that will easily dominate the next two to three decades.

Chu yun-han is distinguis­hed research fellow of the institute of Political science at academia sinica and yang guangbin is Professor and dean of the school of internatio­nal studies, renmin university of China.

this collection of articles originated from the 2nd internatio­nal forum on China and world order held on oct. 26-28, 2019 in beijing. the symposium was organized by the school of internatio­nal studies of renmin university of China and co-sponsored by the Chung-liu Education foundation based in taipei. additional analysis has been added due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

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