The Phnom Penh Post

Israel and Turkey reveal details of deal to normalise relations

- Mike Smith and Fulya Ozerkan

ISRAELI and Turkish leaders yesterday lauded a deal reached at the weekend to restore ties after six years of acrimony over a deadly raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stressed that his country’s maritime blockade of the Hamas-run Gaza Strip would remain following the agreement, though Turkey obtained aid concession­s for the Palestinia­n enclave.

Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said that “to this end, our first ship loaded with over 10,000 tonnes of humanitari­an aid will leave for Israel’s Ashdod port on Friday”. Yildirim also noted Israel’s commitment to pay $20 million in compensati­on over the 2010 raid that killed 10 Turkish activists, in exchange for all claims against Israeli soldiers being dropped.

Netanyahu pointed to the economic benefits for Israel, with his country in search of regional customers for gas exports and talk of a potential pipeline to Turkey.

Speaking in Rome after meeting US Secretary of State John Kerry, Netanyahu described the agreement as hav- ing “immense implicatio­ns for the Israeli economy”.

“I mean positive, immense implicatio­ns,” he said.

Kerry also hailed the deal as a “positive step”, while UN chief Ban Ki-moon, on a visit to Israel and the Palestinia­n territorie­s, called it a “hopeful signal for the stability of the region”.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Palestin- ian president Mahmud Abbas spoke by phone overnight, with the Turkish leader explaining the agreement’s main points, a statement from the Palestinia­n presidency said. Erdogan also met with Doha-based Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal on Friday in anticipati­on of the deal.

After the deal is signed on Tuesday, the approval process will start in both countries and the Turkish premier said Ankara would appoint an ambassador to Tel Aviv within weeks.

Previously close relations between Israel and Turkey were downgraded significan­tly after Israeli commandos staged a botched pre-dawn raid on the six-ship flotilla in May 2010 as it tried to run the blockade on the Gaza Strip.

Nine activists aboard the Turkish-owned Mavi Marmara ferry were killed, with a 10th person later dying of his wounds.

Both sides have been pushing to complete the deal in recent months, with Israel in search of a potential customer for its offshore gas exports and NATO member Turkey wanting to restore its regional clout, analysts say. The US has also pushed for the two countries to resolve the dispute as it seeks cooperatio­n in the fight against extremists from the Islamic State group.

Within Israel, the deal was given a mixed response, with one newspaper quoting a soldier from the Mavi Marmara raid as saying “it’s nothing less than spitting in our face”.

“We were sent to stop a terrorist flotilla. That was the mission,” Maariv quoted the anonymous soldier as saying. “How is it possible today to pay compensati­on to terrorists who tried to murder us on board the ship? What message does that send to the rest of the troops?”

Two of Turkey’s key conditions for normalisat­ion – an apology and compensati­on – were largely met earlier, leaving its third demand, that Israel lift its blockade on the Gaza Strip, the main obstacle. Reports in recent days described a compromise on the issue.

Under the reported terms of the deal, Israel will allow the completion of a much-needed hospital in Gaza, as well as the constructi­on of a new power station and a desalinati­on plant for drinking water. Turkey’s aid to Gaza would also be channelled through the Israeli port of Ashdod rather than sending it directly to the Palestinia­n enclave, the reports said.

Turkey has also committed to keeping Islamist movement Hamas, which runs the Gaza Strip, from carrying out activities against Israel from its country, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported on Sunday. Hamas would continue to be able to operate from Turkey for diplomatic purposes, the paper said.

Netanyahu has also come under pressure within Israel not to agree to the deal if it does not include provisions for Hamas to hand over four missing Israelis, including the remains of two soldiers presumed dead and two civilians believed held alive by Hamas in Gaza.

An Israeli official said on condition of anonymity that Erdogan agreed to instruct “all relevant Turkish agencies to help resolve the issue of Israel’s missing citizens”.

 ?? AFP ?? A breakthrou­gh Israel-Turkey deal following six years of acrimony will see Israel pay $20 million in compensati­on for a deadly 2010 commando raid, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim (pictured) said yesterday.
AFP A breakthrou­gh Israel-Turkey deal following six years of acrimony will see Israel pay $20 million in compensati­on for a deadly 2010 commando raid, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim (pictured) said yesterday.

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