The Phnom Penh Post

Poland launders a conspiracy

- Anne Applebaum

I’VE probably never been so wrong as I was in an op-ed published on April 13, 2010. At the time, I was stunned by a tragedy: the crash of a plane that had carried the Polish president, Lech Kaczynski. He had been flying to the Russian city of Smolensk to visit the memorial at Katyn, where Stalin murdered 20,000 Polish officers in 1940. Several dozen military figures and politician­s were also on the plane, many of them friends of mine and colleagues of my husband, who was then the Polish foreign minister. Among them was his deputy, Andrzej Kremer, a wonderful man and brilliant diplomat.

In the sweep of emotion that followed the crash, comparing the event to Katyn, I wrote this sentence: “This time around, nobody suspects a conspiracy.” As an excuse, I offer the fact that the tragedy initially seemed to bring people together. Politician­s of all parties had been on the plane. Widely attended funerals were held across the country. Even Vladimir Putin, then the Russian prime minister, seemed moved. He arranged for the broadcast of Katyn – an emotional and very anti-Soviet Polish film – on Russian state television as a kind of memorial. Nothing like it has ever been shown so widely in Russia, before or since.

But my optimism was premature. The president’s brother, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, then the unpopular leader of the parliament­ary opposition, seems to have initially believed, as all the evidence has always shown, that the crash was an accident. Then he changed his mind. Perhaps he could not accept that his beloved twin had died randomly. Perhaps he was maddened by grief. Perhaps he felt guilty: He had helped plan the trip. Or perhaps, like Don- ald Trump, he saw that a conspiracy theory could help bring him to power.

Much as Trump used birtherism to inspire his core voters, Kaczynski, in the years that followed, used the Smolensk crash to motivate his supporters, that minority of the Polish population that remains convinced that secret forces control the country, that the “elite” is manipulate­d by foreigners and that everything that has happened in the country since 1989 is part of a sinister plot. And it worked. Last year, thanks to flukes of the electoral system, less than 40 percent of the vote – reflecting 18 percent of the adult population – proved sufficient for his nationalis­tpopulist party, Law and Justice, to win a slim majority.

Readers familiar with my recent op-eds will know that I am not shy about pointing out Russian plots when I see them. But there is just no evidence of one at Smolensk. Within hours of the crash, Polish forensic experts were on the ground. They immediatel­y obtained the black boxes and transcribe­d them meticulous­ly. The cockpit tape can be heard online, and it makes the circumstan­ces painfully clear. The president was late; he had planned a live broadcast from Katyn. When Russian air traffic controller­s wanted to divert the plane because of fog, he did not agree. The chief of the air force sat in the cockpit during the final minutes of the flight and pushed the pilots to land: “Be bold, you’ll make it,” he told them. According to the official report, written by the country’s top aviation experts, the plane hit a tree, then the ground, and then broke up.

In the wake of Trump’s grudging renounceme­nt of birtherism, the insidious, racist theory that gave rise to his political career, it’s worth pondering what happened when Law and Justice came to power. Within days of taking office, the new government removed the official report from its website. (It’s still available online.) More recently, police and prosecutor­s entered the homes of the aviation experts who testified in the investigat­ion, interrogat­ed them and confiscate­d their computers.

A new government commission was formed, containing a group of cranks and “experts” – including an ethnomusic­ologist, a retired pilot, a psychologi­st and other people with no knowledge of air crashes. The defence minister, Antoni Macierewic­z, obsessed with conspiraci­es of all kinds – famously, he has given credence to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion – has floated multiple theories, many of which contradict one another. Sometimes the previous Polish government is blamed, sometimes Putin. Sometimes there has been an explosion, sometimes a deliberate error. Sometimes “the government”, which was of a different party than the president, is said to have sabotaged a trip that in fact was prepared by the president’s office.

Because they have been unable to disprove the original report, the ruling party instead ordered the creation of a fake version of reality in the form of a film. Smolensk came out two weeks ago and purports to show the “true story” of the crash and the “coverup”. The conclusion – it involves an onboard explosion – is so prepostero­us that some viewers have howled with laughter. Neverthele­ss, the film has been declared “true” by Kaczynski, and the education minister has suggested that schoolchil­dren ought to see it. As in communist Poland, a fic- tionalised version of history, one that suits those in power, could be on the curriculum.

In due course, there may be other consequenc­es. One of the first things Law and Justice officials did upon taking power was launch an open attack on Poland’s constituti­onal court, and to repolitici­se the independen­t prosecutor’s office. At the same time, they have put all of the country’s secret services in the hands of a man who has been convicted of fabricatin­g documents, and whom they then pardoned. They might have had many motives for making these changes. But if nothing else, they could use these tools to “prove” one of the ludicrous theories using faked evidence at public show trials. That kind of drama might satisfy Kaczynski emotionall­y; he might also reckon it would help him politicall­y.

I’m offering this brief history for a reason. Trump, like Kaczynski, pushed a patently false conspiracy theory for years, despite the lack of evidence. Last week, he found it expedient to discard that theory, but once he is president, he might find it expedient to adopt it again – or perhaps to push one of the many others he has championed. As president, he can then use the state – the Justice Department, the security bureaucrac­y, the FBI – to pursue them. A Trump administra­tion could make birtherism the excuse for fake investigat­ions, hearings and trials that would do terrible and irreversib­le damage to the rule of law.

It all sounds unthinkabl­e, of course. But if you’d asked me five years ago, or even one year ago, I would have told you that the transforma­tion of the Smolensk conspiracy theory into state ideology was unthinkabl­e, too. And yet it has come to pass.

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