The Phnom Penh Post

Fighters, ALLN make CBL semifinals

- HS Manjunath

TOP-R A N K E D E x t r a Jo s s Fig hter s a nd t hei r clos e st challenger­s ALLN Confucius Supermen had a smooth passage to t he semifina ls of t he C a m b o d i a n B a s k e t b a l l League after scoring second st ra ig ht wins i n t he best of t hree quarterf inal playof fs at the Olympic Stadium Indoor Arena on Saturday.

Last year’s runners-up Fight- ers extended their winning streak this season to 12 games after brushing aside Team Respeck 94-66 with Tomar Santos (15 points) and Kelechi Njoku (14) leading the charge. David Sanders and Serrano Jasper chipped in with 10 points each as the Fighters led every quarter of the game.

Team Respeck showed greater heart in their fight second time around but that was not good enough to contain the free-wheeling Fig hters who led 46-31 at half time. After a low-scor ing second qua r ter on both sides, Team Respeck did ver y well in t he t hird aided by Johnson Kim (15) and Vi ra k Chea (eig ht) to come out even at 22 apiece but the Fig hters, enjoy ing a hea lt hy lead, regained control of t he final quarter to widen the victor y margin.

In t he second f i x t ure, t he ALLN Supermen swarmed all over Smart Dragons handing t hem a 80-28 blow-out. The Supermen were so overbeari ng t hat t he Dragons were forced to single digit scores in t he f i r st t wo qua r ter s a nd drew a complete blank in the fourt h.

The Supermen, who suffered their only loss in the round robin to the Fighters, were served well in the offense by Meng Hama (17) and Aimar Sabayo (12).

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