The Phnom Penh Post

Teams challenge each other’s key documents

- Andrew Nachemson

PARTIES at the Khmer Rouge tribunal yesterday sparred over documentar­y evidence regarding Democratic Kampuchea’s conflict with Vietnam, with both sides attempting to contextual­ise or discredit documents presented by the opposition.

The defence teams have long argued that a legitimate Vietnamese threat to Cambodia’s autonomy precipitat­ed the conflict with Vietnam as well as internal targeting of suspected Vietnamese agents. The prosecutio­n, meanwhile, has sought to present evidence that paints Cambodia as the instigator of the conflict.

Prosecutor Dale Lysak yesterday read from the minutes of a Khmer Rouge ministry meeting that the defence had previously submitted as evidence of Cambodia’s “benign intent” towards Vietnam. However, as Lysak noted: “Vietnam is not referred to by its name, but no less than 11 times – every time Vietnam is mentioned – they’re described as ‘the contemptib­le’.”

Lysak concluded by arguing that Cambodia’s indiscrimi­nate cross-border raids into Vietnamese territory were much more severe than any Vietnamese aggression­s, saying that comparing the two was creating a “false equivalenc­y”.

Khieu Samphan defender Anta Guisse, however, presented a different narrative. She referred to telegrams presented by the prosecutio­n and sent by high-ranking officer Sao Phim – later branded a traitor – saying the prosecutio­n only “partially cited” the documents, crucially leaving out lines that reported Vietnamese soldiers had shot at Cambodian civilians.

She also reminded the court to be aware of the “informatio­n war, or media war being waged by the DK side as well as the Vietnamese side”.

Samphan and fellow Khmer Rouge leader Nuon Chea are on trial for various crimes against humanity, including genocide against ethnic Vietnamese and internal purges.

In the afternoon, witness 2-TCW-1065 continued his testimony, expounding on widespread purges, and maintainin­g that Pol Pot was the true traitor.

“People were killed; chiefs in the division were killed. And I conclude that those that killed these people were traitors,” the witness said in reference to the internal purges.

The witness, who was related to Sao Phim, last week denied that Phim had planned a coup. Yesterday, he said he never gave informatio­n to the Vietnamese prior to his defection, and claimed he defected in response to Pol Pot’s traitorous actions.

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