The Phnom Penh Post

Starbucks cups cause feuding

- Maura Judkis

THE culture wars come every December, fuelled by peppermint mochas and venti soy lattes. The battlegrou­nd is Starbucks. It’s always Starbucks, isn’t it? No one is complainin­g that the blue-and-brown holiday cups at Caribou Coffee take the “Christ” out of Christmas. No one is telling the Olive Garden hostess that their name is “Trump” so that she will have to call out “Trump, party of three!”

Religion. Politics. The Bill of Rights. They all converge here, in front of a glass case full of cake pops.

The company’s current foray into the headlines comes from several Trumprelat­ed incidents in stores recently. On November 16, a video of Miami real estate remodeler David Sanguesa berating a Starbucks employee whom he claimed refused to serve him because he was a Trump supporter went viral. (A witness said that Sanguesa got angry that his coffee order took too long.) “We want nothing to do with you,” he told the barista, who appears to be a person of colour. “You’re trash.”

Two days later, political consultant Tim Treadstone posted a video of Starbucks employees allegedly calling the police on a man who insisted that baristas write “Trump” on his cup. “Operation #TrumpCup” was born: Treadstone encouraged Trump supporters to go to Starbucks, give their name as Trump, and take video if the barista refused to use the name.

“We have a culture war to win. I’m a Trump supporter. I thought when Trump won, I might just wake up and America would be great again. Guess what, it wasn’t,” Treadstone told the Washington Post. “Obviously, a lot of people aren’t happy with us, and we need to stand up for our freedom and our First Amendment.”

The First Amendment protects your right to speech and expression without government interferen­ce. But it does not protect against interferen­ce by private businesses, such as Starbucks. Besides, taking customers’ names is not even official company policy. It’s “a fun ritual in our stores”, said spokesman Reggie Borges, who said that Star- bucks does not require employees to call out names.

The movement is an “attempt to troll [Starbucks’s] liberal baristas into being hypocritic­al in some fashion: to refuse to serve a customer in the same way that some opponents of same-sex marriage want to refuse service to gay couples”, said Erik Owens, interim director of the Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life at Boston College.

#TrumpCup is a spinoff of a movement called #MerryChris­tmasStarbu­cks, which Joshua Feuerstein, an evangelica­l social media personalit­y, started in 2015 when Starbucks released a minimalist red cup that people criticised for being too plain – a design that Starbucks intended as a blank-slate holiday celebratio­n for all faiths.

“I felt as though a point needed to be made that we as Americans are tired of political correctnes­s and the cultural cleansing of anything related to Jesus,” Feuerstein wrote in an email.

In a video, he encouraged his followers to go to Starbucks and give their names as Merry Christmas, so that baristas would write it on the cup. Feuerstein’s video alleged that Starbucks employees are instructed not to say “Merry Christmas.” Borges denied that: “Our baristas are not provided a script or a policy around greeting customers,” he said.

The movement caught on, and even president-elect Donald Trump, then one of 14 candidates in the Republican primary field, jumped into the fray.

“That’s the end of that lease,” he said at a rally, referring to the Starbucks in Trump Tower. “If I become president, we’re all going to be saying ‘Merry Christmas’ again, that I can tell you.”

Ironically, instead of boycotting the business, many of the Starbucks-related social media movements involve mobilising people to actually spend money at a company whose views they presumably disagree with. Feuerstein said that his followers “flooded Starbucks to participat­e” in #MerryChris­tmasStarbu­cks. Treadstone was fine with spending money there: “This was never meant to be a boycott,” he told the Post of his call to arms. “I love Starbucks.”

As many have pointed out on social media, the people who are offended by Starbucks cups are often the same peo- ple who accuse their political rivals of being too sensitive about things like the Confederat­e flag.

“It’s a transparen­t attempt to stir up false conflict in order to rally a certain subset of Christians against so-called liberal culture,” Owens said.

Starbucks’s holiday cups have often featured nondenomin­ational holiday symbols, such as snowmen and stars. And it is not the only company to stick to bland seasonal greetings. Last year’s McDonald’s cup was purple (!) with an image of a wreath and the phrase “Welcome home.” This year’s design features a Christmas tree, as does the Dunkin’ Donuts cup.

“It would have been difficult for us to ignore the feedback from last year, and we take it in stride, both positive and negative,” Borges said.

Maybe that is why a promotiona­l video features a cup with a drawing of Jesus in the manger – a design that does not appear on any cups in stores. Still, Feuerstein and others seem pleased with the change.

“Looks like the American people have been heard,” Feuerstein said. “And we not only saved Christmas, we elected Donald Trump as our next president and saved the country!”

Today, Starbucks has more than 12,000 shops in the US, and 80 percent of the country lives less than 20 miles (32 kilometres) from one.

Part of the reason Starbucks is a frequent target is because its chief executive, Howard Schultz, is outspoken about his politics. In 2013, he requested that customers not bring guns to his stores, even in states where open carry is permitted. He launched “Race Together,” a widely mocked attempt to start a conversati­on about race in stores. He endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.

It may also have something to do with consumers’ relationsh­ip with the brand.

“Many of us go to the same coffee shop every day, so when there’s a violation, it’s not so easily overlooked,” said Derek Rucker, a marketing professor at Northweste­rn University.

Coffee is a ritual, and when it gets political, it is personal. After all, your name is on the cup – except when it’s Trump’s name instead.”

 ?? NICOLE BENGIVENO/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? The Starbucks at the intersecti­on of Astor Place and Lafayette Street in New York, in August 2013. The company’s plain red holiday cups stirred a bit of noise on social media.
NICOLE BENGIVENO/THE NEW YORK TIMES The Starbucks at the intersecti­on of Astor Place and Lafayette Street in New York, in August 2013. The company’s plain red holiday cups stirred a bit of noise on social media.

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