The Phnom Penh Post

N Korea sanctions toughest ever

- André Viollaz

THE United Nations Security Council on Wednesday unanimousl­y imposed its toughest sanctions on North Korea, placing a cap on the hermit state’s key coal exports after its defiant nuclear tests.

The new sanctions resolution – which was spearheade­d by the United States and came after three months of tough negotiatio­ns with fellow vetowieldi­ng council member China – passed by a 15-0 vote.

The resolution demands that North Korea “abandon all nuclear weapons and existing nuclear programs” and takes aim at the state’s exports of coal, its top external revenue source.

Under Resolution 2321, North Korea will be restricted from exporting more than 7.5 million tonnes of coal in 2017, a reduction of 62 percent from 2015.

Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the United Nations, said the resolution would strip the regime of more than $700 million in hard currency, dramatical­ly reducing the money it can spend on nuclear and ballistic weapons.

Speaking to reporters with her counterpar­ts from South Korea and Japan, she said the move marked “the strongest sanctions regime the Security Council has imposed on any country in more than a generation”.

“So long as the DPRK makes the choice it has made, which is to pursue the path of violations instead of the path of dialogue, we will continue to work to increase the pressure and defend ourselves and allies from this threat,” Power said

China joins in pressure

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged all countries to enforce the resolution.

“It sends an unequivoca­l message that the DPRK must cease further provocativ­e actions and comply fully with its internatio­nal obligation­s,” said Ban, who has flirted with entering politics in his native South Korea after his term ends in a month.

Ban said he was still committed to “sincere dialogue” to resolve the nuclear issue and stood by calls to provide humanitari­an assistance to ease the suffering of ordinary North Koreans.

China is North Korea’s primary ally and one of the few markets for its coal. China imported 1.8 million tonnes of coal worth $101 million from North Korea in October alone, according to the most recent figures available on the Chinese Customs website. The volume was up nearly 40 percent year-on-year.

Although Beijing has traditiona­lly protected Pyongyang diplomatic­ally, believing that Kim Jong-un’s regime is preferable to its collapse, it has grown frustrated by the neighbouri­ng state’s defiance.

China said yesterday that it will “seriously” implement the new sanctions.

The UN Security Council resolution condemns “in the strongest terms” North Korea’s nuclear test on September 9 – the communist state’s second this year. Pyongyang claimed at the time that it had made major strides in its efforts to fit a miniaturis­ed warhead on a missile that could reach the US.

North Korea, which insists its nuclear weapons are a deterrent to US “aggression,” brushed aside earlier sanctions that targeted its weapons exports, access to financial markets and imports of luxury goods.

In addition to coal, the Security Council on Wednesday banned North Korea from exporting certain metals, including copper, silver, zinc and nickel, that bring in an estimated $100 million a year.

The Security Council also added 10 companies and 11 individual­s – including the former North Korean ambassador­s to Egypt and Myanmar – to a blacklist under which their travel is restricted and assets frozen due to their alleged role in Pyongyang’s military programs.

Although the outgoing US administra­tion of President Barack Obama has favoured dialogue over conflict, it has taken a tough line on North Korea after Pyongyang rebuffed early overtures.

Power said the latest resolution is groundbrea­king because it also takes North Korea to task for its human rights violations.

In another rare clause, the resolution threatens North Korea with some losses of diplomatic rights at the United Nations if it violates resolution­s.

But Japan’s UN envoy, Koro Bessho, voiced willingnes­s to return to dialogue if North Korea shows a “serious commitment”.

“We are introducin­g sanctions not for the sake of introducti­on sanctions,” he said, “but in order to change the course of DPRK policy.”

 ?? KCNA VIA KNS/AFP ?? North Korean leader Kim Jong-un (centre) inspects a firing contest between gunners selected from the large combined units of the KPA at an undisclose­d location.
KCNA VIA KNS/AFP North Korean leader Kim Jong-un (centre) inspects a firing contest between gunners selected from the large combined units of the KPA at an undisclose­d location.

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