The Phnom Penh Post

Religious leaders strike sombre note

- Mike Smith

CHRISTIAN leaders from the Vatican to Bethlehem struck a sombre note in the days surroundin­g Christmas speaking of war, fear and division, as cities in Europe ramped up security in the shadow of the Berlin market attack.

Pope Francis offered his thoughts to victims of terrorism yesterday in his annual Christmas address, days after the truck attack that left 12 dead at a festive Berlin market.

“Peace to those who have lost a person dear to them as a result of brutal acts of terrorism, and to those who have sown fear and death into the hearts of so many countries and cities,” the pope told crowds at the Vatican in his traditiona­l “Urbi et Orbi” (To the City and the World) message.

In his Christmas Eve mass Pope Francis urged the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics to feel compassion for children, notably victims of war, migration and homelessne­ss.

In Bethlehem, some 2,500 worshipper­s packed the Church of the Nativity complex on Christmas Eve, built over the grotto where Christians believe Jesus was born, for midnight mass in the Israeli-occupied West Bank near Jerusalem.

Like Pope Francis, Archbishop Pierbattis­ta Pizzaballa also used his homily to plead for compassion for refugees and for a halt to the violence wracking the Middle East.

“We fear the stranger who knocks at the door of our home and at the borders of our countries,” he said at the mass, which was attended by Palestinia­n President Mahmud Abbas and other dignitarie­s.

Security was tight across Israel where Christmas coincided with the Jewish festival of Hanukkah.

Prepared remarks by the leader of the world’s Anglicans noted 2016 had left the world “more awash with fear and division”.

“The end of 2016 finds us all in a different kind of world; one less predictabl­e and certain, which feels more awash with fear and division,” Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, was to say in his Christmas Day sermon on Sunday.

Candles, flowers in Berlin

In Europe, many preparing to celebrate were still reeling from Monday’s truck attack on the Berlin Christmas market.

German authoritie­s were working through the holiday season hunting possible accomplice­s to Tunisian Anis Amri, who was killed Friday in a shoot-out with Italian police near Milan. Police had stopped him for a routine identity check around 3:00am (0200 GMT).

Amri, 24, is believed to have hijacked a truck and used it to mow down holiday revellers at the market on Monday, killing 12 people in an attack claimed by the Islamic State group.

Tunisia said Saturday it had arrested three men suspected of links with Amri, including his nephew and two other suspects, aged between 18 and 27, who were members of a “terrorist cell” connected to Tunisianbo­rn Amri.

Locals and tourists in Berlin visited the Christmas market targeted in the attack, and many took a moment to quietly light a candle or lay flowers for the victims.

“It’s really nice there are so many people here and it’s still open,” said Marianne Weile, 56, from Copenhagen.

Security was also tight at Milan’s cathedral, where Italian police were out in force and concrete barricades were erected around the historic Piazza del Duomo.

Icy swim, meat auction

Despite the security fears, many were braving winter temperatur­es to take part in traditiona­l revelry.

Among them some 30 hardy Slovaks participat­ed in a winter swim at Bratislava’s Zlate Piesky lake, some drinking beer in the nearly freezing water.

Meanwhile, in debt-ridden Greece, Finance Minister Euclide Tsakalotos sent Christmas cards featuring the tight-fisted Dickensian protagonis­t of A Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Scrooge, in a jibe to the country’s creditors.

First Aleppo mass in years

Christians in Syria’s Aleppo were preparing for celebratio­ns after President Bashar al-Assad’s forces retook full control of the city following a rebel withdrawal this week.

Members of Aleppo’s Catholic minority have been prepping for the first Christmas mass in five years at the Old City’s Saint Elias Cathedral, whose roof collapsed under a salvo of rocket fire.

“All our memories are here – this is where we celebrated all our feast days, our joys,” said Bashir Badawi, rummaging through rubble for wood and scrap metal to make a crude Nativity scene.

“We want to transform all this destructio­n into something beautiful.”

In Bartalla, near the Iraqi city of Mosul, Christians filled the pews of the fire-scarred Mar Shimoni church for the first service since the town was retaken from IS who seized it in 2014.

“I can never describe . . . our happiness and everything. We feel like life returned,” said Nada Yaqub.

Blast in Philippine­s

In the mostly Catholic Philippine­s, a blast ripped through a police car outside a church as worshipper­s were arriving for a Christmas Eve mass south of Manila, injuring 13 people.

In Britain, Queen Elizabeth II was due to pay tribute to “unsung heroes”, in her annual Christmas Day broadcast.

“On our own, we cannot end wars or wipe out injustice, but the cumulative impact of thousands of small acts of goodness can be bigger than we imagine,” the text of her speech read.

US President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama, meanwhile, sent their final Christmas salutation­s from the White House on Saturday, highlighti­ng common values uniting Americans of all faiths.

 ?? SERGEI GAPON/AFP ?? Belarus locals dressed as Father Frost and Snow Maidens march along a street during a traditiona­l Christmas parade in Minsk on Saturday.
SERGEI GAPON/AFP Belarus locals dressed as Father Frost and Snow Maidens march along a street during a traditiona­l Christmas parade in Minsk on Saturday.

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