The Phnom Penh Post

All smiles as Trump meets Pope

- Ella Ide and Angus MacKinnon

POPE Francis urged Donald Trump to use his US presidency for peace as two leaders who have sparred repeatedly through the media finally met in a Vatican encounter that ended in broad smiles, for the cameras at least.

Trump’s audience with the pontiff, an anticipate­d highlight of his first overseas tour, lasted just under half an hour and concluded with both men in apparently jovial mood.

The Vatican described the discussion­s as “cordial” and stressed the two men’s joint opposition to abortion and shared concern for persecuted Christians in the Middle East, while making no mention of their profound difference­s on climate change.

Smiling broadly as he first shook hands with the initially grim-faced pope, Trump was heard to say: “It is such an honour to be here.” As he left, he told his host: “Thank you. I won’t forget what you said.”

The pope presented Trump with a medallion engraved with an olive tree, the internatio­nal symbol of peace.

“I give it to you so you can be an instrument of peace,” he said in Spanish. “We can use peace,” Trump replied.

In a lighter moment, Francis referred to Trump’s imposing bulk by asking his wife, Melania, “What do you feed him on? Potica?” – a reference to a calorie-laden cake from Slovenia, Melania’s country of birth.

Trump presented the pope with several gifts, including a collection of first editions by Martin Luther King and a bronze sculpture of a flowering lotus.

Francis gave Trump copies of the three major texts he has published as pope, including one on the environmen­t which urges the industrial­ised world to act urgently on climate change or risk catastroph­ic consequenc­es for the planet.

Trump, who has threatened to ignore the Paris Accords on lowering carbon emissions and described global warming as a hoax, vowed: “Well, I’ll be reading them.”

In the past year, the two men have swapped jibes and debated on subjects ranging from migration to unbridled capitalism, as well as the environmen­t.

A Vatican statement high- lighted “the joint commitment in favour of life, and freedom of worship and conscience”. Since his election, Trump has pleased the Catholic hierarchy by axing rules protecting tax-funded financing of family-planning clinics that offer abortions.

Melania, a Catholic, and daughter Ivanka were dressed all in black with veils, in keeping with traditiona­l protocol that is no longer obligatory for visiting female dignitarie­s.

The audience took place in the private library of the Ap- ostolic Palace, the lavish papal residence that Francis does not use, having opted instead for modest lodgings in a guesthouse for visiting clerics.

Afterwards, the Trumps were given a tour of the Sistine Chapel and St Peter’s Basilica, and Donald called on Italy’s president and prime minister.

Melania visited a children’s hospital and Ivanka met members of the St Egidio religious community. Team Trump was to fly to Brussels yesterday afternoon for meetings with EU and NATO officials before returning to Italy for the G7 summit on Friday and Saturday.

Francis and Trump’s past spats include the pope describing plans for a border wall with Mexico as not Christian and Trump evoking a possible Islamist attack on the Vatican which would make the pontiff glad to have him as president.

But there have also been conciliato­ry moves. In 2013, Trump tweeted that “the new pope is a humble man, very much like me” while Francis had promised to judge the man not the image.

Yesterday’s meeting neverthele­ss provided a reminder of their difference­s of style, Trump arriving at the Vatican in a jumbo-sized SUV that couldn’t have been further removed from the modest Fiats and Fords Francis prefers.

 ?? OSSERVATOR­E ROMANO/AFP ?? Pope Francis (left) shakes hands with US President Donald Trump yesterday during a meeting at the Vatican.
OSSERVATOR­E ROMANO/AFP Pope Francis (left) shakes hands with US President Donald Trump yesterday during a meeting at the Vatican.

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